[fanfic] It was fate. (6/?)

Jan 16, 2011 15:38

Title : It was fate.
Rating : Even I myself don't know
Genre: fluff♥
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino became internet friends with Ohno through Ohno's brother, who was two years younger than him and used to go to the same school as Nino. Somehow, Nino and Ohno started getting closer and chatting more, leading to.....
NOTE: I have no idea who is Satou, just a made up character xD ¬e that right now all their conversations are through the internet
Beta Reader : Myself D:


Wasting no time, the pair of lovers were already using the webcam, having missed each others' face.

The conversation went nowhere in particular, again, after two hours and laughing and making weird/funny faces, Nino noticed one that he particularly like, more like loved and asked his already almost-one-year-lover to repeat the same expression he had just made. Not hesitating at all, Ohno cheerfully made that gesture again, making Nino's heart melt in an instant and give the best and most sincere smile he had, thinking; 'uwaa~ I love him so much.'

After both messed around with infinite amount of gestures, Ohno, suddenly, without warning, had to take the webcam off and talked with his parents who had just stormed into his and Satou's room, and started talking about something that was probably just between family.

15 minutes, and Ohno, no longer using the webcam, sent, "'k, back."

Nino, worried about why Ohno had to suddenly close the webcam, asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, since, you know, it's summer, they came and told me our plans for this vacations."

Disappointed, Nino typed and sent, "so... you'll be gone?"

The message, not showing Nino pained expression, of course, at the thought of having not his lover for a period of time, was now being read by Ohno, who knew Nino's not so obvious disappointment and replied with, "just for 9 days, I'll definitely got online," he promised.

"when are you leaving?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"what time?" Nino continued interrogating.

"most probably by five in the morning.

that way


can chat before I leave :)"



Having finished packing before time, Ohno was now giving all his attention to Nino while waiting for the clock to turn to 5am, so he and his family leave to the town where they used to live two years ago for half a year.

"ja, it's already 4:30, so I need to leave already, Pops calling."


"yeah, I'll be going now, I love you," Ohno typed with his most earnest feelings.

"I'll wait for you to get on[line]."

Ohno waited...

Nino then typed, slowly, "I love you too" and hesitated a little before pressing enter.

Ohno smiled and replied with a "yeah, but I love you even more♥"

The heart at the end made him, Nino, feel even more embarrassed that he was when he sent, 'I love you.' Ohno really knew how to, unconsciously, make his heart skip a beat.

"Hai, then talk to you later," was the best response Nino could think of, letting Ohno's romantic lines be a thing of the past.

And with that, Ohno signed off, leaving Nino wondering when it would be the next time they could chat with each other.


Four days had passed by, and Ohno had yet to get online. Nino now devoted all his attention into watching a new anime series in his computer while still being logged-in in the msn, waiting for his lover.

All of a sudden, a familiar username appeared in a little window at the right corner of his computer. He immediately paused the video he was watching and waited for the other party to talk to him, even though he knew it wasn't Ohno, but Satou who had gotten online.


"what's up?"

"I was told to tell you that my brother will get online later on."


"disappointed it was me and not him?"

"not really :|"


"yeah, I was-_-"

"haha you and your honesty xD"

"so at what time?"

"idk, he just told me to tell you to wait for him forever."


"yeah, yeah, you know how he likes to exaggerate with his choice of words.

but I'm sure he'll get on before 9pm since we'll be using the computers in the hotel,

just to chat with you, you know."

"then, I'm grateful for that-_-"

"you better be, then, I'll be taking my leave now, don't miss me too much."

With little sarcasm in his words, Nino sent, "I'll try..." and those became the last words Nino could sent before Satou logged off.


Wrote half of this while being at school and then typed it out D:
and I've decided to upload each friday, saturday or sunday :)
since during the week, i have no motivation whatsoever.
and since theyre chatting, I thought that putting those little emoticons(is that what theyre called D:??) was okay xD

comments= love♥

ohno, nino, fanfiction

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