[fanfic] It was fate. (1/?)

Dec 29, 2010 06:02

Title : It was fate.
Author : oneterrorist 
Rating : PG-13 (?)
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino became internet friends with Ohno through Ohno's brother, who was two years younger than him and used to go to the same school as Nino. Somehow, Nino and Ohno started getting closer and chatting more, leading to.....
NOTE: I have no idea who is Satou, just a made up character xD ¬e that right now all their conversations are through the internet
Beta Reader : Myself D:

They had meet through the internet, more like Nino was his brother's friend and he started talking to his friend's brother, yes, that's how they met. Nino's friend changed schools, bringing him despair, but there was always the internet to help keep in touch with those whose who were impossible to see in person.

Nino and his friend, Satou, talked through the webcam on regular basis, and sometimes Satou's brother, Satoshi, who was two years older than them, would appear from behind and just make a peace sign and leave casually.

One day, all of a sudden, Satoshi or Ohno started talking with Nino through messenger, just like he did with his brother. They started talking as if they had known each other for long. Their relationship grew close fast in just half a month, and it would get to the point where Nino would spend more time talking with Ohno than with Satou. They talked about their interests, hobbies, past loves, shared pictures of themselves, everything that came to mind.

There was an specific day that Nino could never forget, even in his worse nightmares. He had been waiting for Ohno to get online like usual, and as Nino had predicted, Ohno got online at the time Nino had guessed.

Their conversation started as smooth as always, but that day Ohno had been acting, not really acting since they were chatting, but Nino noticed he was being weird, as if he had something to say. "This may be sudden," Ohno started as Nino patiently waited for Ohno to continue typing, "but I've really started liking you, even more than a friend."

Ohno received no reply, so he continued typing, "if it's okay with you, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

As Nino read 'boyfriend' his heart skipped a beat, with nervous, shaking hands, he managed to type, "but... we don't even know each other that much."

"but we could get to know each other as time goes by, we could just give it a try, what do you think?"

"We could..."

"is that a yes?"


"so now you're my girlfriend!"

"what!? girlfriend!? But right now you said boyfriend!"

"fine, we're both boyfriends, my love."

Nino read it many times, he read 'my love' countless times, yet he couldn't get used to it so sudden, and thought, 'isn't he being too bold?' with a small smile formed in his lips.


dou?? I will make the next chapter twice as long, worry not :DDD
just wrote it short to see how other took it D:
ps. this story will turn out long and am planning to do something something after something years :DD

comments= love♥

ohno, nino, fanfiction

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