[fanfic] It was fate. (2/?)

Dec 29, 2010 15:29

Title : It was fate.
Author : oneterrorist 
Rating : PG-13 (?)
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino became internet friends with Ohno through Ohno's brother, who was two years younger than him and used to go to the same school as Nino. Somehow, Nino and Ohno started getting closer and chatting more, leading to.....
NOTE: I have no idea who is Satou, just a made up character xD ¬e that right now all their conversations are through the internet
Beta Reader : Myself D:

The following day after they started going out, Ohno always seemed to choose cheesy words when chatting with Nino. Being completely opossite, Nino could not get used to it, , even though he admited he too had developed some small feelings for Ohno, as in more than friends, but he would still preferred if Ohno would've taken it slow. It just showed how much experience Ohno had had with past lovers, not like himself, who had had only one lover before Ohno.

The way  Ohno said goodbye last night with a thousand 'i love you's, Nino felt uncomfortable, like he too had to say it, but since he didn't feel enough love for Ohno just yet, so he just abreviated it to "ily," it still had his feelings of love, but not as much as writing I love you out.

As Nino sat infront of his computer thinking about all those things, a small noise came from the computer, Ohno had just signed in and in a flash, Ohno was already saying Good Morning to Nino.

Nino looked like a mess, he has just woken up and Ohno persisted on making him put the webcam, and Nino couldnt say no the other man's plead since he knew what kind of face he was making at the moment.

The webcam showed both of them, it was more like a video call, since they talked out loud and all.

Ohno heard Nino's voice as he said "Good Morning," Ohno said, casually again, "you look beautiful."

At hearing such words, he just slide sideways, dissapearing fron Ohno's screen, he was too embarrased and didn't know how to react to such remark.

A few minutes later he reappear in Ohno's screen and lied, "sorry, my mom called me, asked if I wanted breakfast," with a small chuckle as he scratched the back of his head cutely.

"No need to worry, I would wait for you forever."

"Could you stop with it already...?" Nino asked between his teeth, he felt like Ohno was just sweet-talking him, as if he was just playing with him.

"What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you right," Ohno got closer to the speaker, trying his best to hear Nino loud and clear.

"I said that you should stop sweet-talking me!" he raised his voice and then added in a decending voice which was trembling a bit, "those are just empty words either way..." making it hard for Ohno to hear the last part, realzing how much he, Nino, had come to like Ohno unconsiously.

"What??" confusion took over Ohno's face completely, until he understand what he meant and said, "sorry then... but, I seriously do like you, i guess you're still uncomfortable with that..."

Nino heard Ohno's sincere words and nodded in agreement, letting the argument be the end of it with Ohno's words.


A week and a half had already passed since that start of Nino and Ohno's dating and Ohno had dared to ask Nino a question Nino had wanted to ask Ohno before, but was still embarrased to ask through their video calls.

"Could we go to the movies sometime, to have a real date?"

"sure, why not..."

And that was when Ohno's perverted self took over him, "and we could be in the theaters alone, in the dark," and a smirk was then formed.

Nino knew where this was going to, it was no new thing since the start of them going out Ohno would sometimes add perverted remarks along the way, always mentioning how he wants to touch Nino, to kiss him, to make him his, but Nino just ignored those comments since he still considered himself young to be doing that.

"yeah, there's also that, I love dark places," Nino said as he brushed away Ohno's comments and made them seem something that was totally what Ohno hadn't meant.

"Ne, have you ever kissed somebody?" came out of the older man's mouth out of the blue, making Nino's heart skip a beat.

"...... I... have, why?"

"just wondering."

"what about you?" Nino became more curious about Ohno, who seemed to be very popular with the ladies and men, unlike himself who would spent all his time on the computer.

"Me too," Ohno answered as he bit a pen sexily, making Nino want to kiss him at the moment, but then Ohno added, "when we meet and go to the movies and kiss, could I bite your tongue, I kinda always wanted to try it."

Such sentence coming from Ohno was no big surprise, but what surprised him the most as Nino felt butterflies in his stomach was that he replied, "I'll look forward to it, can't we meet faster?"

Ohno too was surprised to hear that, since Nino always kept those perverted thoughts to himself, but with that reply, Ohno knew Nino had just wanted to touch him as he wanted to touch Nino and then replied after sorting out his thoughts, "but I bite hard."

"So do I," and then Nino bit the air infront of the camera, making Ohno think just how cute that 17 year old boy was.

Their lovey-dovey days seemed endless as the time for their first time meeting after going out and only talking with each other through chatting and video calls and first date seemed to come closer and closer to the appointed date they both had carefully planned without disturbances.


next chapter, they go to the movies :D

comments= love♥

ohno, nino, fanfiction

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