[fanfic] Up & Down - Ohmiya

Dec 28, 2010 07:32

Title : Up & Down (one-shot)
Author : oneterrorist 
Rating : PG-13 (?)
Pairing : Ohmiya
Disclaimer: nothing is mine D: only forming sentences out of words someone else made.
Summary : Nino is always annoyed/mad/..etc (down) and then happy (up) and Ohno is somehow attracted to that
Note : Up&Down is a song by SHINee, lyric translations here by SFI and the parts of the lyrics are not in order, I had to mess with them D:
Beta Reader : Myself D:

Why is your mood up, down
It's different every day
Why do you shake me here and there
The moment you entered through that door
I've only been staring at you

Nino entered the greenroom with his usual bitch face after a little argument with his manager because he never seemed to have time off work. He needed at least 5 more hours of sleep. He sat down in his usual spot, between both Sho and Ohno and started reading a magazine he found in the table. The whole room went silent, Aiba started eating silently, careful of not making any noises that may annoy Nino even more, Sho kept reading his newspaper, while Jun was fixing his hair infront of a mirror. Ohno had his closed eyes until he felt Nino sitting besides him and leaned towards his secret lover, trying to calm him down.  Nino knew Ohno's intention and put his hand on the other man's thigh, caressing it slowly. Ohno opened his eyes and kept staring at Nino with loving eyes, not caring if the other members were also there.

Will she smile? (Smile)
(Hey, baby, what will, baby)
Will she look gloomy? (Gloomy)
(Hey, baby, today be like, baby)
I can't even predict it
That's why it's fun
You're like a rollercoaster ride

The atmosphere in the greenroom lighten up when Nino started teaching Ohno his magic tricks with his deck of cards as they both sat down at the floor, side by side, yet Nino's expression said otherwise.

"Can't you smile a little?" asked Ohno in a small whisper.

"I smile when I need to and right now, it is not necessary..." the other man explained and then continued with his directions.

"You could at least try..." Ohno mumbled, loud enough for Nino to hear, but Nino just pretended not to hear and continued explaining what was the trick for doing magic.

Nino finished explaining how the trick worked and now it was Ohno's turn to try it out. He repeated and did exactly as the other man had explained and said, but when it was time to guess which card he other had chosen, he could not get it. He got 3 cards out already and none of them were the right guess.

Seeing Ohno's failure in magic, Nino couldn't help but start laughing terribly loud, making the others wonder what was happening in there that seemed so much fun.

As soon as Ohno saw Nino's bright smile and laughter, he too couldn't help smiling a bit and laughing silently, and noticed that strangely, Nino was so much fun with how his mood goes up and down and Ohno couldn't not be attracted to it.

"You're just like a rollercoster," said the older man under his breath with a chuckle, but Nino has a very good hearing that he heard him and just stared at the other with confusion.

Why is your, why is your
Mood down, oh why, oh why
Why is your, why is your mood up, oh why
(Like a rollercoaster ride)

The filming of a variety show they were regulars on had ended, but somehow, one of members seemed displeased and had an expressionless face the whole time as they got ready to go home in the greenroom.

Though no one could tell what was wrong with him, there was only one person who knew it all.

Before the filming, Nino had been practicing a new magic trick, as he had been told by the staff of the program, therefore, he was to show everyone how awesome his magic really is, but the filming came to an end and he was never asked to do his magic.  Such happening was bound to make Nino annoyed since he practiced a lot before the recording, and Ohno knew just how much effort Nino had put.

The five members exited their greenroom and each went their own way, but Ohno walked faster than the others. He was going to wait for Nino at some random place Nino would pass by so that other people won't start rumors that they went home together.


"What do you want, you stalker?"

"I was thinking of staying tonight at your place..."

"What~? No!"

"Well, it is more like I want to spend the night with you..."


"Then you could come to my place instead, right?" He saw the other man nod in agreement and added, "but we'll have to take the subway, which means.... um... you know, sticking your chin out so others won't recognize us," and with that Ohno sticked his chin out like it was the most normal thing in the world and formed a bump on his back, just for the sake of it since there was no one outside right now.

The other man let out his laughter and smacked Ohno lovingly on the head. As soon as he received the smack of love, as other called it, he knew his lover was back to his own cheerful self.

Until today, one, two, for two days
It seems like you'll give me
The whole world with your bright smile
(Crazy, crazy baby)
As the cold wind howls
On chilly days, it seems like
I forget my own existence

The ride in the subway earned them a few weird glares as both of them tried to appear someone else, but the couple didn't care since they were completely in love mode.

The arrived to Ohno's apartment fast, faster than they expected and the only thing that was bound to happen tonight was to have their first sex in a month. Both men were as anxious for the other as they could get. They earned for the other's touch and they acknowledged it fully well.

As soon as they entered through that door and took of their shoes fast, Ohno had already pinned Nino to the floor and started kissing him hungrily. Through those share of kisses, Ohno could clearly feel Nino's smile, and he too smiled, having both men smiling while they kissed passionately.


It was already the next day and were waken up by the alarm at 4am. As soon as Nino heard the alarm on, he reached to turn it off, but to his surprise his back hurt, Ohno had put too much pressure on Nino the night before. Nino decided to let it go, since it kinda always happened, since Ohno was the kind to have great stamina when it came to the things he loves doing.

So he carefully went, naked, to the bathroom. He started the shower as he brushed his teeth while the older man was still with his shirt on, sleeping peacefully after such a tiring night.

Nino went into the shower, and as he felt something cold, that was clearly not the water, falling down his thighs and whined very loud, "OHNO~~~!!!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME INSIDE OF ME~!!!!!"

And with that loud scream from his lover, Ohno woke up and was then again lied on the bed as Nino smacked him hard, of course, this time of was no smack of love, but more of a smack of annoyance.

Down, down and down to the up
Up, down and back up again
Why are you depressed again?
Honestly, it's a bit tiring
(Why is your, why is your
Mood down, oh why, oh why
Why is your, why is your mood up)

Oh no, oh no, so pretty
It makes me completely forget everything
Oh no, oh no, so pretty, oh no

It was still dark and both men were on the way to their next work and decided to go walking since they had time to spare and Nino seemed to still be angry about the incident of last night.

"Come on, I already apologized."

"Yeah, but you did it again!"

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Yeah, that's what you said last time too"

"But... you should understand, we hadn't had sex in A MONTH! I was desperate already!"

"That's no excuse, you know I don't like it..."

"But you were also asking for more, don't lie" Ohno said in a whisper so only Nino could hear and let out a sigh, he was getting tired of this argument already.

Nino's eyes widen at what Ohno had said, he knew he was also as fault but... still~!! He still doesn't like it, period.

Ohno turned to Nino who was walking a little slower than himself and noticed the slightly noticeable blush on the other man while looking down.

Thinking, 'He's so cute,' Ohno took his hand and intertwined their fingers, feeling Nino's cold hand and warming it up with his own warmth.

But what do I do?
You spin around me
Too fully and rapidly
If you smile today once, just once
I'll just let it go
( Oh no, oh no, so pretty
It makes me completely forget everything
Oh no, oh no, so pretty, oh no)

Why is your, why is your
Mood down, oh why, oh why
Why is your, why is your mood up, oh why
(Like a rollercoaster ride)

During the time when they were holding hands, Nino had an obvious smug in his face, as if saying, 'I own Ohno Satoshi.' Yet Ohno still found it so cute that Nino felt proud of having him as his boyfriend and was not afraid to let it show in his face.

They arrived at their destination point and had already stopped holding hands as soon as the darkness disappeared and innocently entered the agency together. Nino was to record a new Mario CM with Sakurai, while Ohno was to go record "Arashi's Discovery."

Before parting ways, Nino turned around to Ohno and gave him a sweet smile with a little nod and with that Ohno understood Nino had to leave already. Ohno was unsatisfied with that way of saying goodbye so he lead Nino to a restroom stall, hugged him tightly and whispered in Nino's ear, "I love you," sending shivers down Nino's spine as Ohno's voice seemed deep and very manly.

Ohno was now satisfied with his way of saying goodbye and had also left Nino in the restroom stall alone, still surprised by Ohno's sudden confession.
As Ohno went to the recording booth, before the start the recording, he felt a vibrate on his pants, it was his cellphone. A text message was received and was surprised who was the sender since he rarely had any messages from him, Nino.

"You really are just like a roller coaster..." Ohno said out loud in a warm voice as he stared at his text message which said, "I'm sorry, I Love You Too."

My first fanfic in almost 2 years D: &first one of humans in general, always did anime ones xD

comments= love♥

ohno, nino, fanfiction, arashi

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