Apr 18, 2005 21:00
this is such a crazy time of year! i'm in the computer lab and i might add, ALL the computers except the MACS are being used! there is a general sense of panic in the air! its kindof amusing, yet freaking me out at the same time. people are literally twitching. i'm pretty chill. the semester will be over before you know it. finished one class just 15 minutes ago ... had a nice potluck and we reviewed the semester. few homework assignments due in psy. lab, a paper to finish, a presentation and two finals. cake. WALK. yay for graduation!!!
after a time of uncertainty, i won't be going to skagway this summer, rather i'll stay here and work. maybe melissa will move in and we could be roomies for a month... cause in july i'm going to moldova! going on project with CRU for about three weeks. its awesome to see the response from church. they are a blessing. i'm excited to stay and continue to build relationships more there over the summer. during school have been committed to CRU. anyway. its good to have sense of direction. after moldova trip i would like to start grad. school. bible college or seminary for a MA in counseling. things are coming together, but nothings for sure yet.
heard from past room mates recently, that was cool. they are doing well. new room mate (another becca) hasn't moved in yet, but her stuff is here. have a garage sale planned for the 7th of May so hope house is pretty settled before then (i'm sure it will be). if anyone has stuff to donate, that'd be great! proceeds are for CRU kids mission trip. two to moldova, two to tahoe.
in other news...lots of people getting sick recently... or having weird stuff happen to their body. friend justin hit by a truck while he was on his bike, my mom in TX for medical reasons (going on two months) and brother has bleeding ulcers, but is on the mend. not to mention 40 something yr old uncle who broke his arm while skiing. that would not be fun. CRAZINESS. today a teacher started talking about sickness being connected to emotion and i had to say something. i wasn't rude, but offered up the fact i have allergies in AK, but not TX. so its more connected to environment than emotions. also, have the mom/tumor example, so it was good to have that classroom chat. i don't think you can pin point illness to emotions out of wack, though your body may be telling you to slow down or whatever in SOME cases. it was nice, too, that i am able to talk about mom's condition without breaking down in the least. i think that is a true sign of "healing" or just coming to grips with reality. that hasn't always been the case.
as a side note, i still think it is possible for God to completely heal her, as he doing for my dad's cancer and brother's ulcers.
SERIOUSLY. the guy next to me is TWITCHING. People, CALM DOWN!!!!
what else. i've had a blast with CRU lately, was thinking if i wouldn't have had a job earlier in the semester then i might have enjoyed being VP? who knows. it worked out for best and is awesome to see God raise up new people for next semester. even now, we are putting together events and getting people plugged in. feel that i'd have a difficult time next semester if i was here... am kind of "outgrowing" CRU. not necessarily, but i think it'll be good that i probably won't be in the state and so don't have to address that issue.
washed my car, talked to neighbor, cleaned my room, wrote some letters. reading book called "shadow of the almighty" about missionary jim elliot. starting read-thru-bible-in-two-months-with-justin-chris-and-maybe-beverly very soon! pretty dang broke, but always have access to food somehow and bills get paid! will apply at AK Club tomorrow and start full time job (location TBA) after graduation. graduation party in the works? and life is good.