Mar 07, 2005 21:07
Ah, so the joy of sitting down and updating LJ after 'forever and a day.' Hmm...something like that, anyway.
So much has been happening in my life, including an amazing trip to Spokane, which was already a couple months ago. The semester is flying by, but this weekend felt especially long. So, today seemed like it was the first time I'd been to school, or even THOUGHT about school, in eons and really spend a great deal of thought wishing it was done already!!! However, that wish could be due to the slow pace of my Yupik class. When class is that mellow, you have a lot of time to think about how much other homework/studying you could (and need to be) doing. As my friend, Chris, put it: I keep busy by going insane.
It is good to have the connections I have with people at school. And I'll miss that when I graduate. I begun the process of moving from "classmates" to friends who hang out with several people. Very nice. Went to Cyrano's on the 3rd to see A Midsummer's Night Dream with one girl. Been a few years since I've seen it and while they did a great job... very funny spin on Shakespear... it occurred to me there wasn't much eternal value in watching the play. THEN again, investing in a friendship is worthwhile. And Cyranos was earthy and cool with a coffee house feeling. I liked it.
Side note: Haven't drank any coffee in along time, but I don't think it'll be hard to get back into the habit!
What else...I probably had the Flu (type B) and am now over it, providing I didn't pass it to my room mates and they give it back to me! My first week of not having a job (last week) was great, except that I was so sick. DayQuil was not always helpful either.
Been doing okay with not spending money, swing dancing on Sunday nights is a great *free* event ... and asking for, and receiving, very specific birthday gifts is wonderful too! Laundry soap from Melissa, hot choc. from Eric, toothpaste from Angeline, a journal from Beka... The best presents I've gotten in years! I have to add I didn't ask for the journal, Beka just knew I'd finished mine recently and didn't have a new one. Totally thoughtful. She's a sweetheart, though she tries to hide it in silliness! I'm in denail she is moving soon, which is evident by my lack of a new room mate lined up to take her place. Good thing Angeline is willing to share a room with me, otherwise I don't know how I'd cope :)
See if there is a pattern here to the seemingly new pre-req. for being a room mate... Becky married, enter Beka. Beka getting married, possible Becca.... ????
Summing up ... God is really faithful. Teaching me alot, through prayer conferences, church, bible study and just in my personal life. Especially in the unexpected ways, like, when guys start liking me and asking me out, one right after the other. I have to say it makes me question alot of things, like where I stand with being single and looking into an unknown future (that is, after graduation in May). I had just come to a place of complete contentment with singleness and didn't even wonder about the possibility of a relationship when all this started coming up. And now it does take up some of my thoughts and that ANNOYS me. I keep trying to go back to something my pastor said from a passage in Isaiah. "I'd rather be 'in the dark' with Jesus than in my own light." Man. That is powerful. I do not know what this summer will look like, or what next fall will look like and my options are wide open. I often feel some weird pressure to know the direction my life is taking. And I just don't have that right now. I have possibilities... summer missions trips are big... and I have the Bible and God. So, I'm just taking it one day at a time, not trying to look at my life Big Picture just yet.
Blah, blah, blah! So that is me. And I didn't even get into crazy AK Native Studies Elders presentations where reincarnation and the end of the world is preached, that will be a rant for another day. One more note; my parents are in TX and mom is getting treatment + much needed family time. Pray for peace and healing for them. I miss my parents and didn't even get to hear my dad tell my "born in a barn" story! I'll have to recap for Beka tonight, so long as she doesn't mind my "sputterings." I had decided today would be my birthday again because I was a grump for alot of yesterday, since today was consumed by school and homework, though, I might have to make tomorrow my birthday as well. MOOOHAAHAHAHA