Jun 21, 2005 16:38
okay, i know its been several months. what can i say, i avoid computers now that i don't HAVE to be on one for school. in fact, i think i can feel a little carpul tunnel flaring up just by sitting here! things are good. new room mates as beka is all married and deborah got her own place. my sister moved in for the summer to be closer to uaa. that's been awesome, actually. we share a room, and work together... i have to admit, i was selfish at first and felt my space would be invaded or something. but its good. i'm enjoying it and our relationship is growing. she's a built in friend. i hadn't the opportunity to get to know her as an adult until now. its especially timely since i'm leaving in less than a month to EUROPE! i'm heading to the republic of moldova with campus crusade for Christ. we'll be there 3.5 weeks, maybe more to tour depending on flight arrangements. that would be NICE, but i'm excited to go either way. even now i'm reading an email from the director of the team and it doesn't seem real that we are leaving so soon. HUH. what else. one of my roomies is visiting her family for the next two weeks (out of stats) so i'm working in the kitchen for her at the daycare. yesterday was so stressful, i thought i'd lose my mind. or cry. maybe both. i've cooked by myself before, and was doing fine, or so i thought. at the last minute things went nutty and melissa saved the day. when the elementary school age kids are out for the summer that adds at least another 55 servings to prepare. it was hard to put together! plus, it was monday and that didn't help. today was great, though, the day went by fast and was relatively easy and fun. so, right before angeline left state, our roomy, becky (yes, a third rebekah!) torkelson's little sister moved in. but i think she moved out yesterday? something was up, but i don't know. she hasn't been home alot at all so it's hard to say what's going on. there is definitely a different feel to the house ... and its not bad, i think its just almost time for me to move on. i realize this is all randomness, so in keeping with that trend: we put up this volleyball net in our backyard last week and i love badminton now! someone should come play. the funny thing is that the net was in our garage this whole time (almost two years) and when it didn't sell at a couple of garage sales we had in may, we decided to finally put it up! oh, heres the story on the whole "moving on" phrase. after moldova i would like to go to san diego for a while, start pt.loma nazarene in the spring. i have family there too. nothing is definite, but that's been in my mind lately. i really like ocean beach baptist church too and have often thought i'd move there just to go to that church! i'd better get... melissa will be out of class and ready to go in a few mins. to finish the update, there is some crazy stuff in life and also some very quite moments due to lack of homework, but overall things are juuuuuuuuuust fine. ps. it is BEATIFUL outside. happy summer solstice!
send email or call before i leave!