I am the Nice Person in the mall who always walks around people. Ducking here, ducking there. Circling around clusters of bodies just fricking standing there hogging the whole middle of the road. Winding my convulated way through hordes of folks who obviously have no intention of stepping aside to perhaps let me pass by for a change.
See? I'm a nice person. Courteous, considerate, blah, blah.
Yesterday I was doing my nice act while seriously struggling under the two heavy, humongous shopping bags slung over my shoulders. Oh, and sweating like a pig in my coat, no less. Smelling coffee that I knew I couldn't get because once I set down these bags I'd never pick 'em up again.
Bump. Smack. Yes, ma'am, that was indeed my foot--not that you asked.
Like I'm not heavy enough, I have to schelp two bags that weigh 30 pounds each? Bags that inconsiderate people, at regular intervals, knock off my aching shoulders? That gets old after a while.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore. With the weight already behind me, I figured--what the heck?
So I turned into this:
It was positively liberating!
Honestly, I'm so crabby lately. Maybe I shouldn't go out for a while. :D