Nov 16, 2009 10:34
I don't mind people baking their own brownies once in a while, or taking a few apples, but if it's only halfway through November and we're down to our last bag of sugar, there's a fucking problem, you know what I'm saying?
For the rest of the month, if you want a snack, take leftovers from one of the meals or ASK one of the kitchen staff before raiding the pantry.
Also, the kitchen staff is not there to do your fucking dishes. We have more than one hundred people to serve during meals; we do not have time to clean up after some fuck who just left everything all over the counters.
I know all of you think you have free access to the kitchen, but we only have a finite amount of supplies and time. Show a little fucking consideration.
[Private to Morgan]
I told the kid about Rose.
Want some company?