meanwhile in patriotic knights

Jun 18, 2012 09:29

Every time we cut to a scene with Jin Zhu Liu's parents, they're on a beach somewhere.

It's been several episodes since Wallace Chung appeared, looking his broody mysterious self. Zhu Liu rides to the Great Wall because he's dying, and suddenly he hears Li Nan Xing playing the flute from atop the wall.

(imagined dialog)
"This wall is like thousands of miles long. How did you find me?"
"Magic flute."

Yan Yan is remarkably self-absorbed. I think I actually spoke words to the screen when she's jumping up and down complaining that Zhu Liu left her because He Doesn't Care... when actually he's just collapsed in pain a few yards into the forest. Does she find and help him? No, she wanders off muttering. To be fair, he could have said "Oh btw, I'm wounded" but he chose not to.

Hong Ying... your brother is evil. I think it's sweet that you keep wanting to save him, but you should know by now that #3 on his Ways of Doing Evil list is "pretend to be the victim so my sister will do what I want"...

patriotic knights

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