Жилищное строительство в СССР (Часть V)

Aug 29, 2017 06:06

Сравнение с Великобританией в тот же период

В то время как направление траектории строительства жилых домом в СССР неустанно стремилось вверх, положение рабочих в центре империалистических держав  было иным. Например, в Великобритании состояние жилья для рабочих все еще оставалось ужасным. Мы должны опять помнить каким образом рассматривать историю ( Read more... )

СССР, жилищный вопрос

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matrixmann August 29 2017, 16:21:16 UTC
My reason for not glorifying much earlier times and the circumstances one had to live in back then.
'Cause I ask myself: How can you live with joy in such circumstances where people have to exchange laying in bed each after 1 to 2 hours each night, so everyone has had at least some bit of time of lying down? Or, where 10 people have to share sanitary facilities?
I think the answer is "No, you don't enjoy this.". You live like that 'cause you got no other choice ( ... )


onb2017 August 29 2017, 17:12:56 UTC
The capitalism brought new way of production and is no doubt more progressive and able to satisfy everyone's needs but won't until we have profit involved. So, I would say conditions that people live under is probably generally better that a hundred years ago but lots of people still live like that. In this part they were talking about the imperialist country conditions but there are countries in Africa and South America as well as Asia where majority live in slums and worse. And guess what, I read there are some jobs now offered for $5 a day in America. I am not even mentioning Russia I heard people in some rural areas work for a buck a day on some farms. So standards of living are going back to a hundred years ago.


matrixmann August 29 2017, 17:30:12 UTC
I mean that also in regard to... when people try to glorify that poverty.
Maybe not that state of things as it was a hundred years ago, but, say, the state of things about 50 years ago or so.
I don't know what one can glorify about this while one has more comfort in his own flat during these days.
Like - do you enjoy it, sharing your rooms or facilities with people so much because there's not enough roomDo you enjoy it sharing stuff with people you don't know, if they would have been even friendly to you ( ... )


onb2017 August 29 2017, 17:41:17 UTC
I don't know if I know anyone who liked living in bad conditions though. Maybe they are just ashamed and hiding it? I know nowadays with all this propaganda that people are lazy and deserve it and how shameful it is to be poor, lots of people try top pretend it is not them. At least in public.


matrixmann August 29 2017, 17:55:17 UTC
No, I don't think that's it.
It's just talking yourself things pretty (schönreden) for whatever reasons that only the people know who voice it.
I for myself can't complain about being able to live in solitude if I want to or need days like that...
You know, only because people were more forced to work together daily doesn't mean automatically they were better and more noble characters... There's also such an ability of "shutting one's mouth for the sake of peace".


onb2017 August 29 2017, 17:58:47 UTC
To a certain point. But at some point it will become unbearable. I know myself I may push some things to the point until it is high time and then become amazingly productive and achieve lots of progress. For many it means it is still tolerable, maybe.


matrixmann August 29 2017, 18:13:55 UTC
I think similar in this.
I can talk myself into believing a lot how more "primitive" circumstances were a lot better than this now, but, just only let old age or even disease and ill fortune come to you (before you get old), so that you're in need of a city apartment that has all facilities in it, so that you don't need to share anything with anyone, and - boom! - there you go, you got the use of your "beautiful primitive circumstances".
This only works as long you got power in your muscles and as long as your bones and metabolism is intact.
When this starts to cease for whatever reason, and you're stuck with it, see how quick people help you and don't help you, when you're in need of it...


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