Oh my god, you guys, this show makes me cry. Why isn't everything on television this good? Why isn't there an endless supply of fic and vids and just, &SHOW
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Context: We're not watching the Rust Belt thing; it's an episode of Iron Chef. The Japanese one. Because that's the sort of thing we do
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Miss America: Reality Check is like a train wreck. I caught two episodes in reruns this afternoon, and spent most of them wanting to reach through the screen and shake people
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The debut of my PR icon for this season (Meh. Not that great, but it's also multipurpose, so I'm keeping it) and this week's brief spoilery discussion of the show.
1. The animation for the math and physics on Numb3rs has reached the level of Annoying rather than Amusing after only two episodes. This may be a new record
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