I'm sorry. I know I should shut up now.

Sep 09, 2008 00:08

But if you haven't already checked it out, take a look at rivier's post on the Torchwood Unofficial Guide. Because (and this is both horrifying and hugely amusing) the buddies of the guy who originally published pieces of LJ reviews without permission in his book have decided to help him out. With predictable and hilariously offensive results.

I believe at one point LJ fen are called Amazons. And we seem to be getting our girlish notions of copyright and politeness and, you know, good business sense ALL OVER the (perfectly imaginary) idea that it's okay to use other people's words if you don't actually make enough money at it to quit your dayjob.*

In other words, as long as you write a book that nobody wants to buy? You can use whatever you like! It's awesome that they went ahead and solved all those pesky copyright issues for us. \o/

Sorry. Right. I'll stop bringing it up; just wanted to share tonight's moment of WTFery with all of you.

(Also, and this will only amuse the law grads and students on the f-list, one of the Defenders Of C&P Privilege offers this:

"I'm presuming, if you're a lawyer, then you will know the legal definition between libel and slander..."

I know. I laughed OUT LOUD. The internet is AWESOME, you guys. Everyone is a lawyer. A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE lawyer. A lawyer who failed con law. I love people deserving of mockery, I really do.)

* Yes. I realize that we do this with fic and icons and manips and such. But, and this is important, a) we don't try to sell the results on Amazon for a profit, b) we don't usually claim that there's no possibility we're doing something wrong, and c) I don't see a lot of fics that copy multiple paragraphs from the original text and then stick them in the middle of something else without comment.

It's still a gray area. We all realize that; it appears that the folks involved with this particular book do not. *shrugs*

Mostly, I'm calling attention to the gender politics going on with all this. The copyright part I've said my piece on, and it's not going to go anywhere terribly useful, anyway.

rant, god bless idiots, torchwood

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