First Snow (1/3)

Dec 09, 2010 02:57

Fandom: Big Bang/2NE1
Pairing/Characters: GBom (G-Dragon/Park Bom)
Rating: G/PG
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Their first snow.
Author's Note: G-Bom fluff is always nice to me. The snows will be titled by the years they know each other. Like for instance first snow is the first year they know each other. Third snow means they've known each other for three years...etc.

            Bom looked out the window. She always loved the first snowfall. It was always so perfectly white everywhere and it hadn’t been on the ground long enough yet to freeze up her disposition, making her long for summer and solace from the cold nipping at her cheeks. She loved the feel of the winter air coming through the window. It was just enough breeze to feel the clean that cold seemed to bring the city, the air clear and biting as the glass held back the discomfort it would give. Her breath had fogged up the window and she wiped the pane with her long sweater so that she could continue to watch the young boys shovel the pathways. They had been late to their performance review and Hyun Suk-sajangnim knew the best way to punish them. She could see Young Bae’s figure shivering all the way from inside the building and she found herself chuckling as he threw his shovel down and sat on the wet pavement. The two had been working for hours, the expanse of inches and inches of snow seemed to be impossible to clear, and it hadn’t helped that it was the coldest it had been all year, the boys unprepared in light jackets and skullcaps.

It had been the image of Ji Yong that had pulled her from practicing her vocal exercises and brought her up to the frosted glass. His lean body worked through the snow as he moved his shovel up and down, gaining a perfect rhythm that kept him working at a steady pace. She continued to watch him, his cheeks red as he stopped to rub his hands together and blow on them. She could feel her cheeks grow equally as red as he looked into the window and squinted, making out her image through the foggy glass. She felt that feeling when your heart stops and it almost hurts but you like it because you feel so alive, because you saw his face and that’s just what it feels like to know that guy, the guy you like. At least, that’s the only way her young mind could put it. She gained her composure and smiled as she waved, then instantly regretted not acting nonchalant as Ji Yong gave an amused chuckle. Somehow he always made her feel like she was younger than him, even though the opposite was true.

"I can’t believe him. I’m not letting them stay out there,” the casting noona started. She walked outside and chased the boys in. She would be the only one to talk sajangnim into going easy on the boys and her bleeding heart towards them made her do it often. She looked after them when she could, although she was always busy gathering new trainees so she rarely got the chance. Bom watched her full figure run them in, at one point snatching the shovel from Young Bae and smacking him on the butt with it. Ji Yong was quicker, his body moving away from her reach quickly. The boys gave up their vigilance and eventually went inside.

“If we get in trouble cause we quit-”

“You wont. So there!” The woman yelled as she huffed and walked past Bom, who had parted from the window and walked into the hall to greet the two boys. She felt unsure of herself though and found herself stopping before she got all the way to the room, stopping in the middle of the corridor. She could see their clothes were drenched and immediately felt sympathy for them. Especially Ji Yong, who took off his hat to reveal his wet mop of black hair, he shivered but said nothing as Young Bae quietly complained about his wet socks, wet pants, wet shirt, wet underwear and wet hair.

“C’mon. Let’s see if we can find a change of clothes.” Young Bae started down the perpendicular hallway and walked out of Bom’s view.

Ji Yong started to follow but looked to his left at the young girl who stood there, her brown hair loose around her and tumbling out of her black hood. She bit her lip as she made a reluctant wave, much like the one she had made before and Ji Yong laughed that same laugh which frustrated Bom so much.

“Yah!” Young Bae yelled for his friend impatiently, his mood blown by his said wet apparel.

“Just go without me. I’ll catch up.” Ji Yong yelled back but didn’t take his eyes off Bom as he smirked at her. She felt herself get nervous and then turn back to the room she had left, realizing she needed to get back to her exercises. Well, actually she just wanted to hide the way she had blushed but she was happy to lie to herself, to feel less…lovesick.

“Yah! That’s the way you greet your loving dongsaeng?” He had scurried a bit to catch up to her. Bom liked to think of words like that to describe his movements, scurry, crawl, gnaw, they all led to comebacks to his taunts, which came out so often.

“I greeted you already. I greeted you twice.” She turned around and saw him muff up his wet hair, trying to get it in some kind of order.

“I know, with that dorky wave of yours.” He mimicked her salutation with his lips pursed, to mock her own full ones. She immediately turned red.

“Well, I’m not the one who looks like a drowned rat.” The words came out harsher than intended and she could tell Ji Yong acted like they didn’t matter.

“Whatever. What are you doing?” he asked and she felt herself chuckle. He asked her every time as if the answer ever changed. She was practicing…Always practicing, just like they were always practicing…She could never fathom why he thought she would ever answer differently.

The truth was that he always looked for her to say she was on her way home, or that she was going somewhere and that maybe he could finagle a way to spending some more time with his noona. But she wouldn’t find that out until much later in their lives, and for now she just answered, “Practicing,” feigning irritation in her voice.

She looked down at his hands, which had lost their color, as most of his skin had. She realized he was still shivering a little bit and she acted on impulse as her worrying overcame her self-consciousness.

“Come here,” she said as she unzipped her hoodie and grabbed his hands in what seemed like one swift movement. She placed his hands in the warmth of her jacket, and she saw his eyes grow wide and immediately felt regret.

“You need to wear a heavier coat.” She said quietly.

Ji Yong bit his lip, as he looked at his hands in the warm solace she provided. He looked like he was concentrating and Bom felt very awkward but it had been done and he was close to her, closer than he had ever been without whispering in her ear something like, “Babo,” or an equivalent and the two could hear the words ‘awkward’ and ‘silence’ whistle through the air like wind. She felt his icy grip on her sides where her shirt had rode up and immediately shivered.

“Don’t put them on me! They’re cold!” She did a little shake to get him to move his hands and it must have looked extremely funny. Not that Ji Yong saw, he was already moving his face towards hers and as her lips met his, her body became completely still. She felt his cold chapped skin against her mouth as he lingered there and his tongue touched her lips asking for entry, something she would one day accept but not today and she pulled her face back suddenly, rejecting the young boy and stepping back, his face and his hands abandoned by a warmth that they had become accustomed to after only seconds.

“Ji Yong…” She couldn’t even find enough of her voice to stutter the name and she didn’t know what to do as he looked at her, hurt in his eyes but a smile on his lips. He brought himself closer again and whispered in her ear, “Babo,” then stepped back.

“You’re supposed to kiss me back, noona. Anyone your age should know that.” After the statement, the hurt disappeared, replaced by his eyes’ usual mischief. Bom watched him turn around and begin to walk down the hallway. Once again, she had nothing to say until he was almost around the corner.

“Who says I wanted to?” She stammered out as he disappeared.

“When do you not?” He yelled back from the other hallway and made her turn red once again, as if she had been the one out shoveling the snow.

bom, g-bom, fanfic, 2ne1, big bang, fluff, g-dragon

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