first kiss (one shot)

Dec 09, 2010 00:31

Fandom: Big Bang
Pairing/Characters: GDYB (G-Dragon/Taeyang)
Rating: R (NC-17 if you're uptight)
Genre: Fluffy smut/Smutty fluff
Summary: Young Bae experiences his first kiss.
Author's Note: This is my first post so I'm nervous! I don't know what genre it would be...>.> It's kind of awkward... I don't know *kanyewestshrug*

Young Bae studied the chart carefully.

“Are you really thinking about it?”

Ji Yong asked the question while pointing to corresponding numbers.

“If this is ‘Y’ then…”

“X is 0?”

Ji Yong was getting frustrated. He really just wanted to slap his friend in the face.

“No.” Ji Yong gave up as he closed the book and looked out the window with a sigh.

“You need to be more patient.” Young Bae spoke as he looked out the window as well.

“What is it about math? You’re better than me at every other subject.”

“I don’t know.” Young Bae put his head on the table and closed his eyes. He envisioned Ji Yong as he spoke. He never got the kind of interaction he wanted out of afternoons like this, mostly because it took all of Ji Yong’s self control not to snap from his frustration. He would always lose patience and give up in the end but Young Bae didn’t care. He was just happy that Ji Yong never completely quit. Everyday they did their homework together and he looked forward to hanging out.

“Did you see the transfer student from America?” Ji Yong asked.

Young Bae gave a little nod without raising his head.

“She’s pretty hot. I’m gonna ask her out.”

“She won’t say yes.” Young Bae spoke while his eyes were still closed.”

“Wanna bet? I’ll sleep with her by the end of the year.”

“Ji Yong…Don’t be so tasteless.” Young Bae spoke in his signature tone of caution. Ji Yong turned red. Young Bae had always called him out when he got too piggish with things. “…You won’t do it.”

“I could…” He pouted. It probably wasn’t a lie. He could. The two of them were the most popular boys in school, which was a feat because that title usually goes to people who are taller than them. Ji Yong tussled his newly peroxide-treated hair and sighed. He supposed he shouldn’t bet on a girl’s virtue like that. He looked back out the window and watched a cloud pass.

Young Bae sat up as the sun shone on his black hair, which was shaved on the sides. “I’ll take that bet…’Cause I’m going to win.”

Her name was Emily, which slowly became Emmy in school. Everyone called her that except Young Bae and he made such a big show of it that Ji Yong felt like he had to say her name properly too. In the end it helped him, the two of them had been the only one’s to carefully pronounce it correctly and they stood out. Young Bae wasn’t a threat because he couldn’t stop tripping over his tongue long enough to say anything.

It only took him two weeks to get to holding hands, three for a kiss, but the last part was proving difficult. He was beginning to become frustrated. The sexual tension between them had been building but he didn’t really care about that, that’s what dating young was all about. The real reason was because he just wanted to get it over with. Her body was nothing to sneeze at, her curves and thin waist filling out her uniform particularly well, but her personality was a bit dull and Ji Yong felt guilty every time he realized how much she actually bored him. He found himself ditching her and going to Young Bae’s house just for his sanity’s sake.

“Well, just give up,” Young Bae muttered as he typed his English paper. Ji Yong shook his head.

“No. She’s alright. I just- It’s me. I want to date her. I do.”

Young Bae continued to type. “Which is why you’re here with me instead of her…Even though…” Young Bae turned to him, “You’re not wanted.” He finished his statement and turned back to his paper.

“Whatever. I’m being emotional support for you.”

“It’s the other way around.” Young Bae hit CTRL+S and closed his laptop. He turned in his swivel chair and looked at Ji Yong who was starring at his BoA poster that he got from a girl on his last birthday. The most awkward gift ever and yet, it had it’s purposes.

“I thought you were doing your homework,” Ji Yong spoke.

“Well, I don’t procrastinate like some people but I suppose I can this once. It’s not due until next week.”

“Next week! You acted like it was due tomorrow!” Ji Yong’s statement was laden with disbelief.

“I like to get my work done. Is that a crime, Ji?”

Ji Yong continued to stare at the poster, his thoughts wandering.

“Do you think she’s a good kisser?”

“Erm…I dunno…” Young Bae thought about it, “Your mom’s a good kisser.” He was particularly proud of his comeback.

“Shut up,” Ji Yong spoke.

“Is Emily a good kisser?” Young Bae asked, curious.

“She’s alright.” Ji Yong shrugged, “What about Ji Eun?” Ji Yong asked about Young Bae’s middle school crush.

“What about her?”

“Well, was she good?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Young Bae turned back towards his computer.

“What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I never dated her…I just liked her…”

“Never? You never did anything with her?”

“No. She kind of…rejected me.”

“Oh.” Ji Yong knew that Young Bae was sensitive about things like that and felt bad for bringing it up.

“It sucks.” Young Bae looked up while leaning back in his chair. “I’ve never kissed anyone.”


“Anyone,” Young Bae repeated.

Ji Yong sat on the edge of the bed. “That’s ridiculous. You’re almost a grown man.”

“Thank you for that boost in self esteem, chingu,” Young Bae muttered. Ji Yong could tell he was quite annoyed.

“Hey, come here,” Ji Yong said, impulsively.

Young Bae turned around with a frown. “Why?”

“Cause I said so,” Ji Yong proclaimed loudly. He was taking pity on his pathetic friend and he didn’t want to be questioned about it because it would make him change his mind. He watched Young Bae move from his chair to the far edge of his bed, away from Ji Yong.

“If you don’t know how to kiss a girl, you won’t get further than the kiss.”

“How do you know? The kiss isn’t everything.” Young Bae became defensive.

“Kissing is pretty important. I couldn’t say I know exactly, though. I’m a good kisser so…never had to deal with being a bad one…” Ji Yong smirked as Young Bae rolled his eyes.

“Whatever,” he said.

“I’ll show you,” Ji Yong spoke. Young Bae’s eyes widened.

“Ji Yong…That’s…”

“Nah, it’ll be fun.” Ji Yong toyed with his earring. He didn’t see the harm in it. He figured some kind of experience would give Young Bae a boost in confidence. Besides, neither one of them was really gay. Just really bored. He brought his body towards Young Bae and noticed a rigamortis set into his friend’s body. As he brought his face closer, the older one’s eyes began to close, making Ji Yong burst out in laughter.

“No. No. Wait- I’m sorry.” Ji Yong said as Young Bae frowned, embarrassed. Ji Yong brought his face to Young Bae’s and softly kissed his lips. He moved over and placed his hand awkwardly on Young Bae’s shoulder. His lips were soft, surprisingly so and Young Bae pulled back a little when Ji Yong planted a second kiss. He wasn’t satisfied with Young Bae’s stillness.

“You kinda need to kiss me back.”

“Oh,” The simple interjection some strange testament to his ignorance.

Their faces remained so close. The two stared at each other, each of them wondering when the nervous laughs would commence but they never did. Ji Yong went in for another kiss, this time slightly parting his lips and Young Bae followed his lead. He brought his tongue to Young Bae’s lips, enjoying the warmth between them, placing his other hand on his side. Young Bae coiled his tongue back in shock avoiding Ji Yong’s. Ji Yong moved his hand from Young Bae’s shoulder and ran it through his shiny black hair, making him relax a bit. The boy returned the touch with his own, reluctantly putting his hand on Ji’s neck. Surprise washed over Ji Yong as his friend began to passionately return his kiss, his tongue pressing against his own, thrusting, yearning for more. Young Bae moved closer to Ji Yong until the proximity of their bodies made Ji Yong nervous. He pulled back from the kiss but Young Bae’s eyes held a fire that left him speechless.

Young Bae went in for another kiss and Ji Yong didn’t exactly want to do it again but he didn’t want to stop his friend either. As Young Bae moved forward he pushed Ji Yong down and they lay on the bed, fingers intertwined. Ji Yong felt the hot body hanging above him. He enjoyed the feeling of Young Bae’s tongue moving wildly against his own. Young Bae just wanted more of him, like some secret desperate need. He smelled the smoke of cigarettes that Ji Yong would sneak and the faint taste of them hovered in between their mouths. He felt their bodies pressing against each other. Ji Yong’s slighter form lifted slightly so as to feel Young Bae’s thicker one press down, both of them hardening against their jeans, both of them desiring the will to stop but craving each other in that moment. Ji Yong unraveled his hands from Young Bae’s, placing them on his back and feeling his shoulders.

Young Bae pulled away from him just as Ji Yong had resigned himself to the moment, to fully enjoying it. He didn’t raise his face very far and as he looked in his eyes, he began to rub Ji Yong’s bulge underneath him, feeling his hard member through his pants.

“Is this okay?” his low voice whispered softly as his own erection was killing him. Ji Yong didn’t know how to answer. His male best friend of five years was jacking him off…No it probably wasn’t okay but…Oh well. He closed his eyes as Young Bae unbuttoned his pants, tugging roughly. He reluctantly kissed Ji Yong’s neck lightly, which kind of tickled and Ji Yong sucked in air to keep from giggling…because this wasn’t the time. He reluctantly reached into his boxers and assumed his grip. He moved over to lean more on Ji Yong’s side as he stroked, placing kisses on his neck and ear.

“Is this okay?” he repeated, fastening his pace, his hand stroking his shaft diligently sending pleasure shooting to every end of Ji Yong’s body.

“Does it feel good?”

It felt better than good, way better than when he did it himself. No wonder Young Bae jacked off so often. Ji Yong held back the need to giggle again at the thought. He had talked a lot of trash but no one had ever done it to him other than himself and this was different, very different. He felt the need to erupt grow bigger and bigger and bit his lip as he gripped the sheets tightly and finally came in Young Bae’s hand, trying to stay as quiet as possible. He grunted as he heard Young Bae mumble, “This is gross,” which made him laugh.

He felt really embarrassed and turned his head shyly avoiding eye contact as he asked, “What about you?”

Young Bae took a while to answer.

“Well, the cum on my hand thing…Kind of a boner killer.”

fluffsmut, taeyang, gdyb, fanfic, g-dragon

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