Jun 24, 2009 22:32
[transmission comes on, and an aerial view of the island is all that is seen while America's voice is heard blabbering on about something]
--and that's why freedom is so important!!
...Wait, did this just now turn on?? Damn! Oh well! Moving on!!
[turns his L337Pod to face him, and the viewer can now view a relatively good amount of shirtless America flying through the air with his gigantic white wings, and may appear to some as a blond haired, blue eyed angel due to his abundant beaming with happiness; Texas just kinda, y'know, ruins it with its glasses-ness]
Alright! Man, I am so stoked about this wing thing!! I can fly around like an eagle!! I feel so free and unrestricted, it's just so awesome!!
[insert happy deep sigh here, there is a blissful expression on his face]
[THINKING] I wonder if I could eat a burger while flying...that'd be pretty cool! [/THINKING]
And-- [he drops the L337Pod. Yes, he dropped it. The transmission cuts off as it falls, so it's not obvious whether he caught it or not]
freedom fuck yeah,
dropped the lp,
america is an idiot,