Grooming Musings

Jul 01, 2007 21:44

The great thing about poodles is that their hair grows very very quickly.  (This is also the horrible thing about poodles, but I'm choosing to look on the bright side here!)  A fast-growing coat means that you can experiment a lot with different clips!  If a clip you pick looks horrible, so what?  It's just going to grow out again anyway!  (Of course, this also means that no matter how much you slave over your clipping and grooming job, your poodle will inevitably look like a mess in a couple of weeks.)  Anyway, currently I have Faith clipped in the following style:

The website where I found this pattern called it the Pants and Jacket Clip, although I think that variations of the Dutch clip and the Town and Country clip are very similar.  (There are so many poodle clips with different names that I get confused.)

I really like this clip, although the woman who taught a flyball seminar I recently attended said that it made Faith look like a poodle on steroids.  I do kind of miss the days when Faith was completely bald, since grooming and bathing became a piece of cake.  Here's what a bald poodle looks like:

(That picture was taken at our very first flyball tournament last November, and you can see that Faith was far more interested in the dog in the other lane than she was in flyball.)  I'm toying with the idea of grooming her in a bikini clip for the rest of the summer, as a kind of compromise between the two.  The bikini clip (also called the Miami clip and the summer clip) looks like this:

I'm having trouble picturing how Faith would look in this clip, but I might be adventurous and try it out.

grooming, flyball, pictures

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