Pale kids at the Beach & Cars and things

Jun 28, 2004 22:06

Went to the beach with my family this weekend; Renee came with us. Had fun until my mum tried to buy Renee a pair of pants. Renee was a little pissed because my mum didn't ask if she could pay for them; she said, "I am paying for them." Renee doesn't like people paying for her stuff; it's okay, it might actually be a good thing.

Went spent friday night together after everyone else had already left for the beach. First we went to Orlando to try to see Fahrenheit 9/11 with Nick, but there was road construction that took us about an hour and a half to get barely five miles. We missed the movie by a half an hour. That sucked, but the rest of the night was good because Renee and I got to be together by ourselves for the first time in over a year. We talked about a lot of stuff; some I can't remember, being it was three days ago. I think we resolved some things and brought other things to light. In all, it was good.

This morning I called Renee at 6.30 so she can wake up for work. I went back to sleep like I always do. A little after 8.00 she calls and tells me she was in a car accident. I was pissed. It wasn't her fault, according to her and two witnesses. The other guy couldn't speak ANY English, but I caught the gist of what he was trying to say. The stop lights were blinking and he started going. The intersection the accident was at (Bartow Road and Massachusetts) hasn't had blinking lights since it's been opened. The two city workers said the guy stopped at the red light and then just started going. I guess I can understand, because I've been at a red light and could have sworn it either was or had changed to green and ran them. Luckily no one else was there when I went through. The guy's wife went to the hospital on a stretcher; that's the only thing I really feel bad about, not counting Renee. Renee's okay, I guess; it's only been a day and she hasn't really relaxed since it happened. The airbag poofed out and now it looks like I shoved her tits into the carpet during some rough sex. I hope the guy doesn't try to sue, because it was his fault according to two witnesses and the cop told Renee's da that he'll charge the other guy, but he's waiting until tomorrow to do it. I guess I agree; the guy was pretty angered and his wife was taken to the hospital. I swear though, being as how everyone in this country is so damn "sue-happy", if this ass tries to sue I'm going to ask to have his license revoked or whatever because he apparently can't see very well, having said the lights were blinking. Then again, he was like 56, so maybe he had a brief stroke or something. Who knows.

Anyway, the doctor told Renee not to go to work for a few days, so we rented some movies and a videogame. She's sleeping now, so cute. She took a muscle relaxer. Maybe can try to sell them to druggies and get some money since she's not working.... I really hope she's all right. I was really scared. It was good I took a shower last night when I got home because I was at the accident no more than 10 minutes after she called me, and it was about 15-20 minutes away. Feel bad it happened to her, but I feel better because I've been feeling she was going to get into an accident since she started this job. It's odd because I knew it was going to be at that intersection, even before the Bartow Road portion was even built there. Now, if only my premonitions about the Lottery would be accurate.

Anyway, I'm getting fagged out. Worried so much today that my stomach hurt half of it and I swear, if there was anything in me since last week, it's all out by now. Stress makes me want to crap, don't know why. But, at least it all seems okay now. Still praying and meditating for the man's wife; it wasn't her fault. But emergency situations like this are exactly why we need to have, at the very least, a small portion of the citizenship test emergency phrases in English. Renee and others tried talking to them to see if they were okay and all they said was, "No habla Englis". Okay, so I can't speak spanish, but still, if you have to know a bit of French to get around France, you need to know English to get around here. I don't understand how people can be so blatantly ignorant to the importance of learning a little bit of the language. Yes, I also think that if I were to go to a Spanish-speaking country, I should learn enough to get me around and in case of an emergency. But, of course, if we didn't allow immigrants to take the test in their own language, we'd be prejudiced or something. Can't really think that well right now; extremely tired.

Day was rather boring other than that.

Brought Nick to work tonight because his mum is out of town. Don't mind, not for a friend. Of course, anything for a friend, eh?

Good-bye my droogs.
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