Nov 29, 2004 20:19
I AM an unmedicated schizophrenic.. I can't stop growing, so I guess that makes me a cancer. Ahh but we're told that growing too big gets us killed.. so KILL ME. KILL MY EGO< YOU EFFING EGOTIST>> StOP BEING MAD AT ME FOR RANTING and start being mad at yourself for letting yourself get suckered in so that you could prove how right you are by proving how wrong I am. Ha! But then again, you've never been schitzophrenic.. unless you've done acid and talked to the shadows, aware that the shadows are NOT hallucinations, but you're lucid and waking dream.
Today my lamp post of a sister and I made pancakes. They were shitty pancakes. Wrong damn recipe. Should have used self-raising flour. You know how you have those flat spready pancakes that you eat with, um, lemon stuff. And then you have the fluffy awesome ones that you pile up and feel good about and eat with anything you like? Well we thought we were making the latter but we got the lemon ones. When life gives you pancakes that go with lemons - uh, no wait, I guess there's a reason why I don't write inspirational one-liners.