
Sep 09, 2009 17:27

[Oliver is back to his normal self and seemingly has been long enough to change and to go back to his own room in Kepler (after leaving a note for the Doctor--"Back to normal - Ollie"). he is wearing one of his typical T-shirts and jeans, but his leg brace is missing. currently, he's sitting on his bed, staring out a porthole in the wall, apparently unaware that the sphere is on. for once there isn't anything he wants to share, neither by way of apologies nor encouragement. he's remembered the deaths he saw just before he became seven again, and to him it feels as though they just happened. he is deep in thought, and his expression is sad and strained as he stares at the stars outside]

[despite the fact that he is neither addressing the sphere, nor is his mouth moving, his own voice suddenly sounds in the room]

"Well, you heard her, Doctor! That Puppeteer thing's murdering people all over, and nobody can catch it. It sounds like just the job for us! What are we waiting for?"

[Oliver frowns, looking up as though expecting to find the source of the voice. then he sighs and mumbles to himself, an edge of bitterness in his voice] It didn't work out then, either.

[the voice comes back as if in reply, except it's different this time--dark and rough and full of anger and hatred. it's still clearly Oliver's voice, but in many ways it doesn't sound like it] "Once I'm done with the girl, I will rend you limb from limb, but it won't just be me; it will be Oliver too, doing what he wants to do to you so very much. You've lied to him once too often. You've never had any intention of taking him home, and he hates you for it. And with his hands I'm going to pull the still-beating hearts from your chest."

[he jerks visibly this time, looking up at the ceiling with wild eyes] SHUT UP! [he chucks a pillow uselessly at...nothing, really. it lands on the floor near the bed. Oliver then grabs the mp3 player sitting next to him and shoves the headphones in his ears, turning the music up so high that the beat can faintly be heard over the sphere network. he puts his hands over the headphones, as though to make doubly sure he can't hear any more voices. thankfully, he's turned partway toward his sphere, so if anyone were to interrupt him, he would see them]

nataku [ou], public, donna noble [ou], riku [au], plot: i remember, cycle 4, klavier gavin [ou], plot: mutiny, verse: crucible, ishida ryuuko [au], tenth doctor [ou], plot: endgame

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