
Sep 06, 2009 22:04

[is that who you think it is broadcasting over the sphere? yes. yes, it definitely is. seven-year-old Oliver is sitting on the floor in the middle of the Doctor's kitchen, practically swimming in one of his older counterpart's sweatshirts. he's in the process of working the trousers off his legs, mostly without the use of his hands as they're currently lost in the sleeves. his trainers can be seen on the floor near him, as well as a spilled and shattered cup that seems to have been holding tea a moment ago. the boy looks up at the sphere in concern, guessing that it's on as it has just swung in closer so as to film him better from his position on the floor]

Uncle Doctor, where are you? It happened again, but I don't remember us playing Swap. And why does the room look all funny? You can see all the food! [points at the doorless cabinets] Did something happen while I was sleeping? Why did somebody spill their tea and leave it? And they left the kettle on, too! [blinks] Where's Lara?

[looks around the room as though this may answer a question or two, biting his lip. then a thought seems to occur to him, and his worry abruptly fades as he addresses the sphere again] Ohhh, wait, can everybody hear me like before? [waves at the sphere] Hi! Was I asleep a long time? I don't remember what happened. Does anybody know?

[pauses. that's a bit too much to think about, he decides, especially when there are so many friends out there to talk to] Does anybody want to play?

plot: put in their place, presea combatir [ou], public, riku [au], lyle dylandy [ou], cycle 4, plot: mutiny, verse: crucible, tenth doctor [ou], lucca ashtear [ou], tieria erde [ou], plot: endgame

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