
Sep 21, 2009 20:24

[is in his room, packing a suitcase and his backpack. his actions and the angle of the sphere are currently allowing for a rather good view of a huge bruise on his right arm. however, he doesn't seem bothered by it in the least. he looks up at the sphere in surprise as it moves about him, but at least it's alerted him somehow that it's on. he breaks out in a grin] Now this is like old times, isn't it, Doctor? Not that being on a randomly dangerous luxury cruiser wasn't, but we've got the whole foreign society to experience now! It's more authentic. Except maybe that everyone's happy now and there aren't any crazy political battles going on, but I suppose we already finished that part.

Speaking of, I guess this room used to belong to a couple. Not quite sure what sort of couple, except that there are tentacles involved, but still, definitely a couple. So uh...I'm gonna be moving back into your suite for the last few days, okay? If you and the TARDIS don't mind, anyway.

Also, Crucible passengers! If nobody else organizes a trip to the pub or a party for us all soon, I'm doing it. Because we deserve it, don't you think? [grins]

Oh, and! Now that... [pauses, his expression growing just a bit more serious, but still cheerful] Well, now that we're getting close to going back home, I have a favour to ask! Anybody who wants to be visited by me and the Doctor, I need to know where and when you live. I'm making a list. I can't guarantee we'll actually arrive where and when you say, but you never know. And really, it works as long as we don't arrive too early, right? Then again, if we do, you should've already remembered us from...well, maybe not...or...nevermind, I'm gonna give myself a headache at this rate. Just, where and when, let me know!

And definitely let me know when we're going to the pub. Shouldn't take me much longer to get moved out!

presea combatir [ou], public, lyle dylandy [ou], cycle 4, klavier gavin [ou], plot: mutiny, verse: crucible, tenth doctor [ou], lucca ashtear [ou], tieria erde [ou], plot: endgame

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