Starting art lessons at HeART Studio

Jul 31, 2015 12:55

We finally started weekly art lessons for Sean and Ryan at HeART Studio.

I am quite protective of their free time and try not to sign them up for too many enrichment classes but they enjoyed the holiday art classes at HeART so much I just couldn't say no.

Sean is in the Little Picasso class (for 5.5-7yo) and Ryan is in Little Botero class (for 3yo).

Little Dali

Ryan was a bit hesitant about the class at first because this is his first drop-off class (besides Berries) but he quickly warmed up when he realised his favourite Teacher Jay (who taught his holiday class) would be teaching the class.

During his first lesson, Teacher Jay taught the children about pandas - what they looked like, what they ate, where they lived. The children learnt how to draw a panda with a pencil using basic shapes. It is a huge accomplishment for Ryan to sit still for more than 5 minutes and complete an entire panda drawing on his own. And how cute is his panda! :)

In the subsequent weeks, the children started painting on their canvases. First, painting the background in bold brush strokes and then using a pencil to draw the circle shapes that make up the panda and finally progressing to paint it.

Ryan learnt how to paint using 'bunny hops' with his brush to create a fuzzy, textured effect and mix colours to achieve a gradation effect. He finished off with drawing and painting yellow-green bamboo shoots.

He was so proud when he completed the entire painting after 4 weeks. I am too!

With this, I hope he realizes he is capable of producing beautiful praise-worthy art pieces if only he put in the effort :)

Little Picasso

As for Sean, his first class assignment was to make a fairytale scene with clay.

On his first week, Teacher Pei introduced the children to the world of fairytales. She taught the children how to sketch out fairytale scenes (Jack and the Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood) and the characters. Sean chose Hansel (from Hansel & Gretel).

Over four weeks, Sean moulded clay bits to create the fairytale scene from scratch. There were the grassy fields of flowers, the house made of candy, lollipop and candy cane trees, wispy clouds, rainbow, etc. Then he moulded a very dapper Hansel, right down to his suspenders, little buttons and green sneakers. He learnt how to visualize which part of the scene should come first and how to create interesting textures with simple tools.

It was quite a laborious process. He was so proud of it when it was done and couldn't stop showing it off to me.

Each class lasts for about an hour and the lessons are conducted in a very systematic manner. It is evident my boys adore their teachers and are enjoying the lessons tremendously. They are always happily painting and chatting away when I pick them up.

Most of all, it is such a refreshing change from the usual enrichment type of classes because there is absolutely no stress at all. For me and the kids :)

I will be writing about their experience at HeART Studio as we go along. Stay tuned!

Disclaimer: We received a term of complimentary art classes at HeART Studio for the purpose of writing this review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are, as always, my own.

activities, reviews

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