Feb 03, 2004 00:27
"I walk this room in time to the beat of the Gestetner,
contemplate my next communique.
The rhetoric and treason of saying that I'll miss you,
of saying 'Hey, well maybe you should stay...'."
Well, today has been pretty uneventful, with most of the day spent in class or doing some catching up on my reading. It wasn't until this evening that things turned interesting.
Justin, my roommate, and I signed ourselves up for the Winter Carnival Pool Tournament last week sometime. Well, seven o'clock was the appointed hour and the Breezeway was the appointed place. We did decently well during the round robin portion of the tournament, posting a three and two win/loss record. This meant that we had to play some tie breakers in order to get into the semi-finals, as both Blackall and the UN Society had the same record as us. We played the Society team first, and I started off from break and sank five balls in a row, giving us an excellent head start and leading to a win with a little more work. Next we played Blackall, and that was a much closer affair. Our playing ability just seemed to go down the tubes, and if it wasn't for Blackall scratching while we were on the eight ball, we probably wouldn't have won. Barnes beat us easily in the semis, as Butler is an excellent pool player...if we had gotten a few more balls down at the start we probably could have given them a good run. The third place match against Doyle was also very close, but Justin came through by sinking our last two balls and then bagging the eight.
The best experiance was my shot against Hatcher during the round robin. One of the corner pockets was neatly covered by the eight ball, leaving just barely enough room to squeeze our last ball by. Our last ball was halfway down the table, and the cue was on the exact opposite side. Through some amazing stroke of luck I managed to squeeze our ball by the eight without even touching the eight, and in the process managed to set myself up for a perfect shot on the eight ball. Of course I potted it, with the boys from Hatcher and the onlookers being suitably impressed. I couldn't believe that I had just pulled that shot off!
After we got home, we had a house meeting scheduled for ten, which started just as we walked in. We found out that our houses proctor, Nancy, had resigned her position and as of the twenty-third of February she would be leaving us. Nancy has proven to be a good proctor, but moreso she is a great person and it will be hard, if not impossible, for housing to replace her. Here's hoping things go well for Nancy in the future.
Other than that, nothing else happened which needs to be discussed here. Good night all around though.