Feb 01, 2004 19:51
"Just say you loved me,
even though I'm no longer enough,
so down goes the sun,
while our hearts were still two,
I thought they were one."
As usual, my depressed and saddened feelings fromyesterday have passed. Like I said yesterday, these things come and go for me, and today has ended up being pretty decent.
First off, last night ended up pretty shitty, being a product of both my mood and the setting I found myself in. After Curtis Day, which in my humble opinion was rather poor compared to the previous semester, we decided to hit the Breezeway, where Doyle was running a fund raiser for the Janeway Children's Hospital. The idea was that you pay five dollars to get in, and roughly forty Doylie's were going to shave their heads for charity. We headed over, and Terry McDonald and Jon Loder were playing, with a small crowd in attendance. Terry and Jon threw down the gauntlet, stating that if there was two hundred dollars in their hat at the end of their set, they would also shave their heads. Just before their set ended, they were only five dollars short, so both myself and Ashely ran forward to put the last five dollars in. It was quite enjoyable watching them get their heads shaved as they played a few more songs.
I was going to shave my head as well, but the line up to do so was massive, and I decided not to wait. Instead I donated another five dollars to the Janeway, and with the two beer that I had drank that night, my spending was up to twenty dollars for the night. Not too bad if I do say so myself. I came home early and went to bed...found out today from Doyle's president that they raised over three thousand dollars for the Janeway. What an excellent donation!
Crawled out of bed around one o'clock this afternoon, and ended up watching Red Dragon with Dave and Tommy. All of done since then has been go to dinner, and type up Nicole's paper for her. I'm now going to watch the Superbowl as I sort out some school work and try to keep myself on track with school. This coming week I have quite a bit of reading to do, having only bought my books last week. Luckily my class schedule is light, leaving me tons of time for such pursuits.
That's all folks...