Jan 15, 2006 23:11
Things are going fairly well, I think. Classes seem okay, although Audio for Video is going to be tough because I have to familiarize myself with an entirely new recording program. They encoded my ID so that I can access the lab in the basement of Crossings at any time of day or night.
I actually went to the gym today for about 20 minutes...hey, it's a decent start. My two New Years resolutions are to work out at least sometimes and to go out and do more things with people. The second part may be easier said than done, as I'm in an "I dislike other people" mood lately. Getting partially ditched on Friday didn't help that. I was trying to figure out why some people acted much more like friends last year than this year, and I think it's possible that it has to do with not being single anymore. They just seem to listen to me less, ask me fewer questions, and be less reliable. I'm probably exaggerating, but that's my hypothesis.
So, when I say I want to hang out with people, I mean I want to hang out with friends who are considerate and make me feel comfortable. There are a few people like that, but I'd just like a few more, that's all.