True Detective 4x3

Jan 28, 2024 19:27

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While Hank leads the search for Clark, Prior asks Danvers about the murder-suicide case that drove a wedge between her and Navarro; Navarro and Danvers seek out a local hairdresser for insight on Annie.

4x4 promo

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I can't believe this season is already half over!

broadway / theatre, british celebrities, television - hbo, canadian celebrities, doctor who (bbc), black celebrities, sports / athletes, indigenous celebrities, television promo / stills, true detective (hbo)

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Comments 63

syvlie0o0 January 29 2024, 04:25:39 UTC
Evangeline is annoying me.

*something throws an orange back at me from the dark tundra* hmm no I do not think I will investigate I’ll just shrug and leave

*man gets possessed and says my dead mom says hi then dies hself* hmm no I do not think I will mention it at all to anyone



bluescluesbooze January 29 2024, 17:43:13 UTC
I wonder if they are trying to set up Evangeline to follow in the foot steps of her mom and sister. Or, these things are really happening and Evangeline is trying to ignore because she thinks she is just seeing thing? Idk but I agree that the orange thing could have used a little more exploration!


sihaya09 January 29 2024, 18:40:55 UTC

That was my thought. That Evangeline is worried that she's also having a mental health breakdown so she's keeping it under wraps.


soul_amazinn January 29 2024, 18:27:37 UTC
I think she’s ignoring it because she doesn’t want to think she’s becoming like her sis and mom.


freakative January 29 2024, 04:45:07 UTC
im such an easy target for this show's jumps cares hah
it looks like Danvers is not behind the russian gf scam which is a bummer.
where is the ice cave? is Clark there now? how did her phone get to the trailer?? i hope the ending is good cause im really enjoying it so far.


quinnmorgendorf January 29 2024, 04:59:27 UTC

I was picking up a frequency from Danvers and Peter in the first two episodes and was hoping I was just imagining things. But then this episode had Navarro and Hank both make a reference to it so now I'm wondering if they're going to go there in like a low moment. God I hope not.

Was it explained why they were able to defrost Lund and send him to the hospital but they have to wait for the ice to melt around all of the dead bodies? I don't understand why they have to wait for them to thaw other than it adds a grotesque and creepy vibe. Is it an evidence thing?


frejasface January 29 2024, 05:05:43 UTC

I've been wondering why Peter is so subservient and hung up on her...I really hope it's not a romantic thing.


quinnmorgendorf January 29 2024, 05:35:03 UTC

Yeah it seems like he idolizes her, and we know she makes questionable decisions regarding her sex life lol. This season reminds me a lot of Season 1 and that season had that ill-advised hookup between Rust and Maggie so idk, I hope I'm wrong.


sihaya09 January 29 2024, 18:42:32 UTC

TBH I think it's more likely that she sees him as a sort of son since she lost hers, and he sees her as his mentor. I really don't think it's romantic at all.


georgiana08 January 29 2024, 05:01:11 UTC
I hope I'm not the only one who was waiting for that guy to sit up and say "your mother sucks cocks in hell."


skeetertuskin January 29 2024, 10:44:04 UTC
Mte 😂

They’re little too on the nose for me with these nods to horror. First Seven, now The Exorcist. It’s kind of getting silly.


frejasface January 29 2024, 05:07:24 UTC

I think they started dropping clues about the water supply too early and made them too obvious. Now it seems definite that it's some kind of pathogen leaking into the water supply.* Wish this season was 8 eps so they could have had time to make it more subtle.

Also, the "quid pro quo" was 100% a Silence of the Lambs reference, just like the question-asking.

*(Not a spoiler, just the most popular theory rn)


la_petite_singe January 29 2024, 16:30:53 UTC
Yeah, I'm really hoping the mystery is more complex than just "Annie K knew too much about the mine being evil and poisoning the water, so she got killed" because I think we're all kinda there already. There's still the unknown "she" that just, like, the wilderness? Like Yellowjackets? idk idk


sihaya09 January 29 2024, 18:45:44 UTC

The question asking is def a throwback to s1 as well. I just started rewatching and considering the other connections to s1 that have popped up I figured it was another thematic similarity.


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