Woke up today sooooooo thankful to my beautiful parents for encouraging me (albeit sometimes reluctantly 🤣) on this journey of self discovery. Our shared truth has allowed us to cultivate more FREEDOM and a deeper love with each other. I am forever changed. And NOW, I’m super…
pic.twitter.com/aqGihiryZb- kerry washington (@kerrywashington)
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My parents constantly did that and it definitely affected me.
There are child-friendly ways to handle things, even if it's not fun.
lots of parents today are trying to shift that mentality thankfully. i have a 2.5yo and she is so incredibly observant and smart and problem-solves already! but i also don't think she's an outlier. lots of her little toddler friends are just as clever.
And then there's the kids who go poking around in their parent's closet & find adoption papers with their name on them. Or their birth certificate with some man other than the one they call Dad on the line for "Father."
I have a cousin(she's older than me and my sister) that was raised by our Aunt. Now, it was always that my Aunt was her mom. I had never heard anything or saw anything that would lead me to any other thought. BUT I always just had a feeling that my Aunt was not her mom. I can remember being 5 and staying at their house for the Summer and it just didn't make sense to me that my Aunt would be her mom. So my cousin found out that my Aunt was not her mother about 10 years ago. My sister was so shook and I was like 'Yeah. I knew that. I've always known and just figured it wasn't something to talk about and minded my business.' 😂
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