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Comments 132

itsme_eloise April 20 2021, 00:35:37 UTC
I know less than zero about football but I appreciate that man's accent


trendsnational April 20 2021, 00:36:45 UTC
How is Paris St. Germain not in that league? Lol


they weren't asked? but the fucking Spurs were? just444 April 20 2021, 00:42:03 UTC

Florentino Perez to El Chiringuito: "We have not invited PSG yet, we're gonna talk with many clubs and explicate them about the #SuperLeague project. If Bayern refuses to join it won't cancel, don't worry. We also will hire some of the best referees in the world". 🚨
- Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) April 19, 2021


Re: they weren't asked? but the fucking Spurs were? whereisglory April 20 2021, 00:46:56 UTC
OMG, this is killing me. You created your own superleague that's gonna be the BESTEST AND RICHES LEAGUE EVER. And you put this fucker in charge? They put Florentino in charge?! LMAO.


Re: they weren't asked? but the fucking Spurs were? trendsnational April 20 2021, 01:00:56 UTC


scriptedending April 20 2021, 00:40:37 UTC

I just read these quotes and quite impossibly I’m raging more now than I was this morning. Poor fucking Real Madrid, spent more than they could afford and now it’s everybody else’s responsibility to make sure they don’t go bust. Fuck. Off. The entitlement of the elite. Fuck me. https://t.co/Yl74z8B7CR
- Matthew Lewis (@Mattdavelewis) April 19, 2021

Idk anything about European soccer, but I follow Matthew Lewis on Twitter and saw him going off about this earlier. Seems shitty! :/


ohmylol April 20 2021, 01:01:23 UTC
Louis tomlinson also tweeted about that , anyone who likes football is against this


zxora April 20 2021, 01:19:18 UTC
Neville going IN.


whereisglory April 20 2021, 00:41:08 UTC
Fuck these fuckers for making me side with the FIFA and UEFAlona.

Also, lol @ "for the fans"

Nah, FIFA and UEFA are greedy af and it's all for the money. It's just that they're facing an organization even greedier and more corrupt than them.


fantastiche April 20 2021, 09:27:19 UTC
Never thought I'd see the day FIFA and UEFA were the lesser of two corrupt and greedy evils.


carminaburana April 20 2021, 00:44:46 UTC
So pissed about this. I mostly think it’s a fuck you to UEFA and have doubts that it’ll actually go forward, but it still goes against all the reasons why I became a soccer fan in the first place. I’ve been a Chelsea supporter since the mid 90s - almost a decade before Roman bought the club and my fandom survived the transition of the club from a scrappy mid-table team to an oligarch-owned “global brand”. But if this shit goes forward, I’m seriously thinking of jumping ship. Enough is enough. I have a great small local team in a non-MLS league and can put my energy into supporting them or watch more of the Bundesliga or Liga MX. Fuck this shit.


champagnexdream April 20 2021, 00:58:07 UTC
My husband will jump ship from Tottenham to Bundesliga too if this goes forward


carminaburana April 20 2021, 01:07:20 UTC
Literally nobody asked for this, but corporate greed wins I guess... would be interesting to see if the fans of these eight clubs could band together in a collective boycott. If nobody watches these games or buys merch, it’s over.


howlin_wolf_66 April 20 2021, 11:48:42 UTC
Nice idea, but I think you'll always get enough people from abroad to watch it (China, for example?) ... That's who they're selling to; International fans who aren't invested in the historical structure of football.


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