Shawn Mendes explains why it's 'hurtful' when fans speculate about his sexuality

Dec 14, 2020 22:27
Shawn said on Dax Shepard‘s podcast about the rumors that he’s gay ( Read more... )

shawn mendes

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Comments 134

goinlightspeed December 14 2020, 20:43:13 UTC
As much as I agree on the front that there a people that aren't out for 'good' reasons and speculating someone's sexuality or outing someone is a terrible thing to do, he making it sounded like a 'struggle' to be seen as gay it comes off really bad to me.

Being considered gay when you are not, shouldn't feel like a struggle at all, as long you are being honest and the people close to you know that.


goldie3 December 14 2020, 20:46:09 UTC
Yup, I get the part of him being a kid and people, especially adults, assuming stuff about his sexuality. That is creepy.
But honestly, people thinking you are gay, isn't a struggle, unless you think being gay is a bad thing.


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goinlightspeed December 14 2020, 20:51:22 UTC
If you are gay in the closet, technically you are lying yes, but that doesn't make you A Liar.
Society makes unsafe to be out from a young age and forever, tbh, so if someone doesn't come out, they are not a liar. They are just doing what is best for themselves.

It would be a other thing if he was openly against Gay rights AND closeted. This people are vile and liars, but I believe Shawn were never publicly homophobic.


notoriousreign December 14 2020, 20:45:51 UTC
tbh the gay jokes about him are tacky.


iznanassi December 14 2020, 20:46:52 UTC
that picture of him is so generous


chll51 December 14 2020, 20:48:23 UTC
I don't have a particular feeling about him either way but i think it's a hardline like he said. Like if he was gay and he wasn't ready for the world to know, it sucks that people are trying to out him. If he is not and speaking out then people will say that he thinks being gay is shameful. Like he can't win in any way. I think 1 celeb had this situation and said it really well, but i can't remember who it was.

Either way, if this is your biggest struggle then i think your life is pretty good. Idk i would make 1 statement and then never talk about this shit again. Otherwise you're just feeding the trolls.


snortingcoke December 14 2020, 20:56:46 UTC
i think it was sam heughan? he said "i mean i'm not gay but if people think that i don't really care" which i remember thinking was the best way to deal with it. of course he also took his ass to hawaii to 'quarantine' during covid so i'm not giving him too many points here lol


chll51 December 14 2020, 20:58:56 UTC
Nah not that fool. Haha i think i was thinking of john galecki from big bang theory. "I've never really addressed those rumors because I figured, 'Why defend yourself against something that is not offensive'?" And i think that's really well said.


snortingcoke December 14 2020, 21:00:18 UTC
oohh yes i vaguely recall that! it was a good response


piratesswoop December 14 2020, 20:52:05 UTC
he’s not wrong tbh, it’s bothersome for men who are straight, and completely awful for gay men who feel like they have to be hyper sensitive to their own behavior less they get outed before they’re ready and get put in legit danger in some cases. i see it with gender identity too, people can’t be themselves because everyone else is so obsessed with defining their gender or sexuality for them.


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