Shawn Mendes explains why it's 'hurtful' when fans speculate about his sexuality

Dec 14, 2020 22:27
Shawn said on Dax Shepard‘s podcast about the rumors that he’s gay ( Read more... )

shawn mendes

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goinlightspeed December 14 2020, 20:43:13 UTC
As much as I agree on the front that there a people that aren't out for 'good' reasons and speculating someone's sexuality or outing someone is a terrible thing to do, he making it sounded like a 'struggle' to be seen as gay it comes off really bad to me.

Being considered gay when you are not, shouldn't feel like a struggle at all, as long you are being honest and the people close to you know that.


goldie3 December 14 2020, 20:46:09 UTC
Yup, I get the part of him being a kid and people, especially adults, assuming stuff about his sexuality. That is creepy.
But honestly, people thinking you are gay, isn't a struggle, unless you think being gay is a bad thing.


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goinlightspeed December 14 2020, 20:51:22 UTC
If you are gay in the closet, technically you are lying yes, but that doesn't make you A Liar.
Society makes unsafe to be out from a young age and forever, tbh, so if someone doesn't come out, they are not a liar. They are just doing what is best for themselves.

It would be a other thing if he was openly against Gay rights AND closeted. This people are vile and liars, but I believe Shawn were never publicly homophobic.


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sailormood December 14 2020, 23:07:01 UTC
This isn't true.
Hes spoken out a handful of times, rightfully so.
Last year during in peoples magazine interview, rolling stone the year before that. And I recall an ontd post or something where he made a snapchat story too.


piratesswoop December 14 2020, 20:53:49 UTC
you’re not necessarily lying, you’re just keeping your sexuality to yourself. especially if you’re not actively dating or being romantic with the opposite sex.


iznanassi December 14 2020, 20:48:33 UTC
yeah at the end of the day deep down a lot of his complaints are still "people think i am gay bc i do a 'feminine' thing and that icks me out" and not "people assuming i'm gay bc i do things that are 'feminine' is wrong"


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pepsi_twist9 December 15 2020, 04:24:13 UTC
It makes me think of people who were closeted in relationships who now have people dismissing their relationships before they come out. Just because you realize that partner wasn't for you doesn't mean they didn't mean anything to you. You still have feelings for them even if they're platonic. It'd still suck to be told this person you have memories with isn't worth anything because it's not the real you or whatnot


rhcp December 14 2020, 21:03:22 UTC
i listened to this interview and he didn't make it out to be a struggle at all, just that it was a frustrating place to be in trying not to say the wrong thing or come across the wrong way.


imnotasquirrel December 14 2020, 21:14:36 UTC
in an interview with Rolling Stone, he talked about having a panic attack while watching Love Simon and waking up in a cold sweat bc he let taylor swift post a pic of him with glitter makeup. he's def made it out to be a struggle. tbf, iirc the RS interview was from 2 years ago, as young as he is, he could have evolved/mellowed out since then.


catharsiskat December 14 2020, 22:18:14 UTC
I think this is the struggle he's referring to, how to correct people and say you're not gay without people spinning it that you're offended or saying being gay is a bad thing: "You want to say, ‘I’m not gay but it’d be fine if I was gay - but also there’s nothing wrong with being gay but I’m not.’ You don’t really know how to respond to the situation.”" I get what he means, especially with the way the tabloid media will spin your answer no matter what. Even saying that long of a sentence will have people saying he's being defensive so clearly he's lying.


deja_vu822 December 14 2020, 22:49:49 UTC
I feel like people still thinking you're gay after you tell them you aren't might not, in general, be a huge struggle, but I imagine it is upsetting if you are in a real relationship with a heterosexual partner and people refuse to recognize it as valid and true, and dismiss everything you say about your partner as a lie.

idk i am gay so i can't relate but i can see that as being frustrating or hurtful.


coldwater1010 December 14 2020, 23:06:21 UTC
I agree people assuming you're gay shouldn't be an issue but at the same time, I can imagine it gets a bit wearing people assuming that you're being dishonest with other people or yourself or that your relationships are fake etc. and constantly making comments in that vein.


eldvno December 15 2020, 00:38:42 UTC
I think it DOES suggest that there is a "wrong" way to be a straight man. It's like the woke version of a cuck or simp or whatever rightwing nut jobs call men that respect women.

He's not articulate, but it is a struggle when people refuse to believe you because your mannerisms don't fit these idiotic an arbitrary limits to how straight men can behave.


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