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space_poodle April 11 2018, 15:48:29 UTC
The porn industry is damaging to women and inherently upholds the patriarchy. No porn performer deserves to be in danger or have his/ her stipulations ignored, but I just cannot see how we are trying to pass off this business as anything remotely feminist when it's not only rampant with exploiting people who are struggling somehow (for every "I am a college-educated woman from an amazing family who does porn just because I genuinely love it" there are 10,000 women who were coerced by money, the idea of acceptance, fame or a sense of family that doesn't really exist).

Women CAN choose to perform in porn for any reason they want, but should we be encouraging this as any other choice of her autonomy, as if it were choosing between which school to go to or which hairstyle to wear?


andres01234 April 11 2018, 15:52:19 UTC
what I cannot wrap my mind around is that some people actually get aroused by those kind of shitty things and pay for them, hence why they keep doing them. abuse/rape porn should be considered a crime too


space_poodle April 11 2018, 16:02:53 UTC
IA. Look, I understand fetishes and kinks and believe they can even be healthy ways for consenting partners to deal with potentially difficult things that may impinge on their sexual comfort. However-- and it's a big however-- I cannot for the life of me understand why it is so easily accessible on ANY porn website to see these ROUGH hardcore scenes that imitate rape and violence of women, that impressionable children and teens can watch with no context or mental maturity to understand in what realm this may be acceptable or healthy. To them, what you see is what you get, and the porn sites and companies don't give a flying fuck. In fact, let them explore their sexuality with slapping, choking, spitting and gang rape-simulating as far as the sites are concerned: they're merely future desperate customers ( ... )


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space_poodle April 11 2018, 16:11:21 UTC
Exactly-- and if the young men are wanting harder and harder shit, what are the teen girls going to likely be doing? Allowing the boy to do what they want because teen girls are practically raised to do whatever boys want to make them like them. I was a teen girl too, and even if I was adamant about sticking to my guns and not giving into peer pressure, you can bet your ass when I started having sex I was playing the role of the submissive woman who felt ~sooo~ much pleasure from mere penetration (lie) and was happy to let the guy do what he wanted because I wanted him to find me ~sexxxxy~ and make me feel good about myself.

It's all fucked, I don't even know where to begin anymore. I'm not having kids, I'm good with raising my dog knowing she will never have to deal with this shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

*ETA: I'm speaking heteronormatively just because this is all I've experienced and know of first-hand!


andres01234 April 11 2018, 16:12:50 UTC
yup, imagine how fucked up you have to be to enjoy watching someone actually suffering


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andres01234 April 11 2018, 18:39:46 UTC


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space_poodle April 11 2018, 16:28:23 UTC
Totally agree with you, a great point about our messed up sex-ed failures as a country (at least in the USA where I'm from). This is much more appealing to me, if I were a parent:



trumpydoesmagic April 11 2018, 19:47:14 UTC
Honestly I used to watch it every single day for years (like from the ages of 13 to 24) and I was just like what you described but one day I realized that shit I used to find disgusting began to turn me on and it was really just because it became so normal that it was just a regular thing in so much of what I watched so I got used to it. It totally freaked me out that it was kind of brainwashing me. This was also during peak choice feminism/red lipstick and winged eyeliner Tumblr so that didn't help at all because it made me feel like a bad feminist for questioning porn.


space_poodle April 12 2018, 16:26:54 UTC
You are not a bad feminist for questioning what in your gut feels off!! I am with you with knowing that lots of millennial feminists today jump down the throats of anyone who questions sex work or porn, but like everything else, we must remember the Mark Twain quote: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect ( ... )


quiet_storm April 11 2018, 22:01:02 UTC
This comment is the absolute truth.


msgrottesca April 11 2018, 16:15:55 UTC
Look, I understand fetishes and kinks and believe they can even be healthy ways for consenting partners to deal with potentially difficult things that may impinge on their sexual comfort.I know you don't mean this in a bad way because I've seen your comments and know you're not a dick or anything lol but the "there's a SAFE way to impinge on your sexual comfort!" line is actually where the kink community first starts losing me tbh ( ... )


iznanassi April 11 2018, 16:23:04 UTC
you're 100% right


space_poodle April 11 2018, 16:26:03 UTC
I get what you mean, I see where I was unclear ( ... )


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