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Comments 773

lipsticktraces February 16 2016, 23:41:01 UTC
um. Angel/Buffy/Spike isn't on this list soo....

jk OP, nice post !


madamezuzu February 16 2016, 23:44:01 UTC
It never overlapped, so that was my rationalization for not including/I didn't make it through the series to get to Buffy/Spike. WHOOPS.


lipsticktraces February 16 2016, 23:45:51 UTC
I didn't make it through the series to get to Buffy/Spike.

ok stop this slander i cant


madamezuzu February 16 2016, 23:48:20 UTC
I HATED XANDER SO MUCH. I could not even bear to watch him on my screen any longer.


eastaccidental February 16 2016, 23:41:35 UTC
you need to add brenda/dylan/kelly to this list for it to be valid.

it's still a nice post tho :)


moon_river_315 February 16 2016, 23:46:17 UTC
omg I hated Kelly soooooooooooo much that it affected me liking Jennie Garth for a long time lmao


sunshinefun27 February 17 2016, 05:58:11 UTC
I have this same problem + I got her confused with jenny mccarthy


calinewarkwc69 February 16 2016, 23:52:02 UTC
lol, I think OP might be a wee bit young to remember that one (I wouldn't if not for the 90210 marathon that played all summer on soap network when I was in jr. high) but it was iconic. Brenda & Dylan were superior but Shannen Doherty had to F it up and leave.


bodyline February 16 2016, 23:41:37 UTC
i will forever be salty about Dair.

pre-emptively let's put Elektra/Matt/Karen on this list because you know it's gonna happen


koushiba February 16 2016, 23:45:29 UTC
Dair makes me sad :(
I never really watched/cared for GG but I liked Dair a lot for some reason.


amber_protocol February 17 2016, 00:31:47 UTC
I literally started watching Gossip Girl for Dair, and look what they did to it. :/ I only watched their scenes though, I wasn't hf the rest of that flop mess.


semiramis30 February 17 2016, 22:01:50 UTC
ugh, that icon. those days. i found this place. memories....


mammary_glands February 16 2016, 23:42:11 UTC
i can't think of a single love triangle that i've enjoyed


shakethatdevil February 16 2016, 23:52:51 UTC
same, they stop being fun like after one episode


polynucleotide February 16 2016, 23:57:28 UTC
mte. its such lazy storytelling.


paragon_five February 16 2016, 23:58:13 UTC
For real.


imnotasquirrel February 16 2016, 23:42:36 UTC
Okay, ONTD, please tell me your favorite or most hated love triangles. <3

what about anticipated love triangles? because i'm actually looking forward to the upcoming rose/luisa/susanna mess on jane the virgin.


timepassedyouby February 16 2016, 23:55:01 UTC
lmao nooooo I don't want to deal with this misery (on my part :P)


imnotasquirrel February 17 2016, 00:01:41 UTC
don't worry bb, the good ship luisanna shall prevail!

... )


timepassedyouby February 17 2016, 00:03:43 UTC
DON'T TORTURE ME LIKE THIS (but lmfao since I used to call Susanna "Tuscaloosa" when I couldn't remember her name, my friends have started calling the ship Tuscaluisa and I die every time)


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