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bodyline February 16 2016, 23:41:37 UTC
i will forever be salty about Dair.

pre-emptively let's put Elektra/Matt/Karen on this list because you know it's gonna happen


koushiba February 16 2016, 23:45:29 UTC
Dair makes me sad :(
I never really watched/cared for GG but I liked Dair a lot for some reason.


amber_protocol February 17 2016, 00:31:47 UTC
I literally started watching Gossip Girl for Dair, and look what they did to it. :/ I only watched their scenes though, I wasn't hf the rest of that flop mess.


semiramis30 February 17 2016, 22:01:50 UTC
ugh, that icon. those days. i found this place. memories....


amber_protocol February 18 2016, 00:15:52 UTC
Ah, so you got to ONTD through Gossip Girl, then? The show might've sucked, but at least something good came of it. ;)


Oh yes semiramis30 February 18 2016, 06:56:51 UTC
I was all over fan forum and twop. Until dair happened and somebody mentioned the community gg anon and the rest is history.
The show sucked but as i grow older and weary of people and their asshole-ness i think it was a good representation of how much people suck. Totally unintentional by the showrunners but true nonetheless.

The best people watched this one and i ve kept contact with one or two from all over the world. But yes coming here on ontd and "meeting"peeps here is the only good thing. Although a gossip site users are well in pop culture. And female frendlier and easier to navigate. /endoflovelettertoontd


Re: Oh yes amber_protocol February 18 2016, 08:32:09 UTC
I also loved to hang out on GG Anon, lol. I remember when the pics of them kissing on the MET steps broke, I'm pretty sure it was my birthday at the time and I was freaking the fuck out, it was amazing. <3 I also hung around TWoP then as well, that was fun times. That's cool you made some friends you still keep in touch with, too. :)


those were the days semiramis30 February 18 2016, 08:47:37 UTC
omg, I was barely functioning those days. Yes, you remember correctly. 'it is a dream' the chair fans were saying peeps were reporting from the location, aw it was glorious.

twop was a good one. the forum place held interesting discussions, now all you have is ontd posts and avclub -if they cover the show- and i guess comments sections on other media outlets but i d rather hung in one place for tv shows etc

yeiap, it is so difficult to find kindred spirits wrt pop culture in my home country so from time to time we check in.


Re: those were the days amber_protocol February 19 2016, 09:39:23 UTC
Oh yeah, I remember the Chair fans being so pressed and trying to downplay that scene, and also how they had a bunch of spoilers from S4 onwards and were leaking them to sound bad for Dair. That fandom was a damn mess.

I was a member of TWoP from 2001 and loved it there for a long time, but I wasn't sad to see it go tbh. I'm just not into TV as much as I used to be and the Arrow thread was where I hung out most, and people would just tear Laurel to absolute shreds for no reason. It was so awful and ridiculous, I ended up leaving there a few months before it went under, so at least it didn't affect me too much. ONTD I come to everyday though, and it can never leave me, because then I'll truly have nowhere else to go.


Re: those were the days semiramis30 February 19 2016, 13:35:47 UTC
oh yes. the fandom was messy just like the show but over the years at least on LJ I ve participated on awesome and thoughtfull discussions, learning a lot. some parts of the fandom were too good for this tv show.

i am watching a lot of tv us/uk/northen european mostly danish cause i dont watch any sort of my local tv. twop was fun, i like reading reviews on tv shows, getting to know how the medium works/how a story is being told so avclub is for me the other place to visit for tv stuff. I too visit ontd daily and the now called anon xoxo even tho it is mostly dead there since the show ended. my guess is tumblr is now where the fandoms are but i still cannot get how it works, i mean how? all i see is stuff i dont care about lol


sharktoothdecay February 16 2016, 23:47:19 UTC
eh i ship matt/foggy so i'm not to concerned


magnetic_rose92 February 16 2016, 23:51:07 UTC
Ugh I'm already dreading that love triangle and just Matt/Karen in general.


bodyline February 17 2016, 00:08:30 UTC
i'm actually okay with matt/karen but my concern is that it's gonna lead to her being fridged and i'm not here for that shit


notoriousreign February 17 2016, 01:03:15 UTC
lol yup and lord knows Matt/Karen shouldn't be wASTING OUR TIMES ANYWAY.


bodyline February 17 2016, 01:04:15 UTC
lol i actually like matt/karen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


notoriousreign February 17 2016, 01:09:56 UTC
Wasting my time then.

Who knows I'll probably like it but be quiet about it lol. I'm just upset about Matt/Claire. :(


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