Best Bro-Ments

Jun 12, 2008 12:07

It's that time again at ohnokripkedidnt! Where we light a candle, pound down a few drinks, or some of us immerse ourselves in fantastic fic events (*cough*spn_j2_bigbang*cough* Check it out!)

In honor of those two assholes from Texas (no not those assholes, the other ones), we invite you to join in and remember the good times. The happy times. The sometimes awkwardly bro-mantic and aww-BOYS!-inducing times.

Yes indeed let us share in a retrospectacular of the very manly moments shared between Sam and Dean Winchester that could never be construed as total chick flick moments. Really! ;)

How to Play:

In defense of your favorite moments, you can provide a screencap or more (picspam is encouraged!), a description of the scene, some of the onscreen dialogue used ("I can't do this alone") an explanation of why it is SUCH an awesome bro-ment.

Everyone is welcome to latch onto any thread with additional caps, exclamations of agreement of its awesomeness, etc.

Now the part where it turns out that this is a SECRET competition. After posting all the totally manly moments wherein the love between two brothers seems like it could pierce the veil of death but it's totally not gay love, it's GUY LOVE, y'all are mightily encouraged to select your top moments from S1, S2, and S3 that are the ultimate in showing True Winchester Love.

Because True Winchester Love is the most powerful force there is and yes, I am totally thinking of The Princess Bride right now.

(Also Kripke HATES love and hugging and boys smiling! Let's really stick it to him!)

The top 3 moments (one per each season) are decided by by your responses to the moments posted in the comments, so make sure to declare what really is your TOP moment as after there is much reviling in the glorious bro-ments, we will heartily poll the electorate (hey that's what Sam says Dean was doing in The Magnificent Seven!).

These Top 3 of 3 Seasons of Supernatural moments will later be included will be added to the banner at ohnokripkedidnt because if Kripke is going to ruin our summer vacation making us SAD
about the S3 finale then we're spoiling his vacay by sticking it to the man via Dean and Sam Winchester engaging in hardcore guy love.

G-U-Y Love. I know some of you read that wrong. ;-)

To kick off the inspiration:

Season One, Scarecrow
No matter how many times Sam tries to leave, Dean keeps on pulling him back in. And this is right after Sam found Dean tied up to a tree waiting for Sam to rescue him! Oh Dean, you don't have to try so hard.

Season Two, Tall Tales
Not only do they look amazingly sexy and not at all smooshy-faced and ridiculous, can't you see it in their eyes? It's guy love. It's like they've married their best friends but in a totally manly way. Hey this is the episode where Dean says they're like a married couple.

Season Three, Malleus Maleficarum
Sam would like you to know the following:
Only Dean is allowed to call Sam Sammy and only Dean is allowed to totally MANHANDLE HIM.

Spread the love:">src="">

NOW for the Best Bro-Ment!
Brought to you by comm="ohnokripkedidnt">!!

Memphis would like to add that she encourages the creation of fabulous COMMENT FICLETS to accompany the bro-ments. Or dolphins - Reg would like you to Just Say No to dolphins.
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