modly postage!

Jun 09, 2008 11:27

Hello ONKD-ers! Can I call you that? Awesomesauce.

The mods and I stuck our heads together regarding the last post about some kind of buddy exchange, and well we are really, really busy this week because of spn_j2_bigbang, which started posting today! You should definitely check it out!! But it's left us all stretched rather thin time-wise, so a friending meme that requires that much planning is going to sit on the backburner for a while...

Thing is, we've got the next 2 weeks of activities planned out already, (definitely keep an eye open for our next meme/fest/challenge/athon on THURSDAY!!) but hey suggestions are always welcome, we wouldn't have had that awesome icon fest without it!

So we've created a comm e-mail just for the purpose of handling your questions, comments, suggestions and favorite muffin recipes:

ohnokripkedidnt @ gmail . com!

Please do feel free to drop us a line. Even if you don't have a favorite muffin recipe.



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