Jun 16, 2006 11:20
#024 - What do you call a female letter carrier?
You call her a Postmistress. That is the official, politically correct, proper, most asinine thing that you can call a female letter carrier. Why can we not just call her a PostLADY or a PostWOMAN? Who the hell came up with calling her a PostMistress!? I have a feeling that was one of those federal mandates that were forced down congress collective throats during the Clinton administration. I cant think of anyone better to name them that. Though it is kinda kinky when the Postmistress brings me my latest issue of Hustler or Swank!
Going back to a post earlier this week, Ben Roethlesburger snuck out of a Pittsburgh area hospital in the cover of night around Midnight the other day. He released comments regarding the accident saying “IF” he rode again he would “ALWAYS” wear a helmet. Uhhhh, Ben, you shoulda thought of that a WEEK AGO! Seems to me a Broken nose, face and jaw kinda jolted him back to reality some.
Also yesterday in the news, FEMA in their relief efforts to the people of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina last year, got audited. They found that 1.4 billion…Billion…muthafuggin BILLION dollars were wrongly used. Things this money were used for were things such as a sex change (Try catching THAT guy/girl, because you will NEVER KNOW THEM), a 200 dollar bottle of Dom Perignon, (like we GO THERE for the CHAMPAIGNE!?), and 2 sets of season tickets to the New Orleans Saints. (Who in all reality, still have no official home.) I understand that this is a large scale operation, and some things are going to slip through the cracks. But the things that were listen in this repost don’t add up to anything CLOSE to 1.4 billion dollars, hell, they don’t add up to anything close to a MILLION dollars! Where the HELL did all this money actually GO? They found 1.4 billion of MISUSE, either our governments standards are entirely too high, or FEMA is a bunch of retards who can barely wipe their asses, let alone run a government agency. Ill let YOU make the call on that one.
That’s all I really have to rant about today. All in all pretty boring, I’m just hanging out eating some lunch right now. Uneventful can be GOOD! Now its QUESTION OF THE DAY time!
If you could be the head of ANY branch of government, what branch would that be, and why? Personally, I would be the head of the branch that pushes the little red button and turns Iraq into a smoking hole in the ground. “I don’t know WHAT happened Mr. President, as soon as I head all our troops were safely out of Iraq I musta accidentally pushed the button jumping out of my chair to celebrate!! OOPS!!