#023 - Thursdays…useless and pointless!

Jun 15, 2006 10:15

#023 - Thursdays…useless and pointless!

Im fully convinced that Thursday is the most useless and pointless day of the week. Every other day out there seems to have a meaning, but Thursday is just that dirty “day before Friday”. Let me Run down day by day, and show you exactly what I mean.

(Starting at Friday for the sake of this example)

Friday- (End of the work week, and 1st day of the weekend) “Last day of the work week! PARTY TIME! You don’t have to get up tomorrow morning early! Wooooooo! ROCKSTAR!!!!”

Saturday- (Recovery and refresh day) “What in the hell did I do last night? Thank god I don’t have to go to work today, my head is killing me!! I think Ill wash these ibuprofen down with some beer...WOOO IM A ROCKSTAR AGAIN!!

Sunday- (Faith and healing day) “Where did this donkey come from, and why is it in my bed?? And why is my alarm going off so early on a weekend? Ohh yea!! Church…where the hell are my pants?”

Monday- (Mind Reboot Day) “Ughh, work again…why am I even HERE!? Oh yeaaa, I get paid to be here, I think Ill procrastinate the whole day! Yeaaaaa, Ill just stare at the screen and let my mind be a complete blank and the boss will never know the difference!”

Tuesday- (Realization day) “Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit!!! I was supposed to be working yesterday for a REASON! I have 4 projects and a presentation that means my JOB due today, and not enough time to do them! Oh shit Oh shit Oh Shit!”

Wednesday- (Hump day “Recovery Day #2”) “Ohh thank god I got everything done, I sooo don’t feel like working today! The week is ½ over…*KEY POINT* IS IT FRIDAY YET??

And that my friends is my point, you look at Wednesday, and go…is it Friday yet? Where is Thursday in that equation? It really doesn’t exist. You kinda skip right over it, and it has no relative value whatsoever. On Thursdays you get up, go to work, wish it was Friday, watch an 8 hour day drag out in front of you, and you go home. The only time that Thursday has ANY relevance at all is when Survivor is on, and CBS fucks with that ½ the time ANYWAY! Are there any MAJOR Holidays other than Thanksgiving on Thursday? Not that I can recall. We could push Thanksgiving back a day, that 24 pound frozen turkey isn’t exactly in good enough shape to get up and run away on me! Hell, a lot of Major League baseball teams use Thursdays for travel and recovery days in their schedules. When they DO play on a Thursday it’s called a “long series”. Reason being, it was POINTLESS to play 4 games straight! I say we just draw the chalk outline around Thursday right now, get rid of it, and still get paid for a 40 hour week!! Who’s with me?


If you were forced to be reincarnated in the next life as an insect what insect would you be? Personally, I would be something that died 24 hours after it was hatched, because being an insect would S U C K!
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