
Dec 03, 2007 16:44

so everything has been pretty good. i got a lot of my christmas shopping done last weekend, and i'll probably finish this weekend. i'm excited, i love christmas. =] this is my last week of school, and then the week after i have three finals on monday and tuesday, and then i'm done! my grandma is gonna come up with me and help me pack and then i'll head home until spring semester. i'm so ready for christmas break, honestly. my weekend was good. i hung out with diana a bunch, that was fun. this weekend i'm gonna hang out with dawn saturday, and then go to tim's saturday night with diana. it'll be fun. tonight after math class i'm gonna go over to my grandma's house for a little while, and then come back here and write my english paper. it's due tomorrow, i figure i should probably get it done, lol. alrighty i think i'm gonna go. adios kiddos.
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