
Nov 19, 2007 21:15

good news folks, i'm feeling better! haha i'm so pumped. well my roomate just left for hawaii. which means i won't see here until monday! craaaazy, haha. i have to work tomorrow and i really don't want to. i have a feeling it'll be busy. wednesday the university shuts down at 5, so my math is cancelled. after career and professional issues in psychology i'll pack my stuff and head home. i guess my parents finally have my bedroom done, or will have it done by wednesday. so i'm gonna go home and stay there for the weekend, unless i get annoyed and come home early, haha. i'm excited for thanksgiving. this year is gonna be crazy because david's sister's kids are coming, which hasn't happened. i haven't seen frankie and emma in a long time, so it'll be nice. and i've been thinking about christmas and i'm pumped because i know what i'm buying for everybody. i love christmas. and my grandma got me a grady sizemore jersey, it looks so cute. and then i told my mom i want an ihome from target, and then a gift card to the mall. i need clothes sooo sooo bad. i mean i have a lot of clothes, but half of them don't fit me. i just need jeans really bad. i have maybe three pairs of jeans that fit me and the rest are too big. my new years resolution is to grow out my hair. i really really want to grow it out but i can never stick with it. it gets to a certain length and i go in for a trim and just cut it all off. i just found out that for new years i'm going to pa with my family. we're all gonna go stay at my aunt janets and the whooole family is coming. i'm really excited. i love getting to see my family, and my cousins are hilarious! this weekend is gonna be fuuun. i'm supposed to hang out with matt and diana mae, my two favorite people! =D matt's so cute. i texted him and i was like what are you doing this weekend, and he goes "coming to see you" awww! haha. and diana mae is like the best friend ever. we have so much fun all the time. got my drink n my 2step is our theeeme song! haha. ooh the hills is on tonight. this is gonna be a good one! alrighty well i'm gonna go. later dudes.
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