Soy oh no soy!

Nov 23, 2006 13:50

I drank off rotten soy milk last night and this morning! Last night I made a strawberry smoothie and it tasted a bit off but I thought it was because of the strawberries. But then this morning my Special K tasted like arsenic and I realised the soy was bad. It smelt citrusy and when I poured it down the sink it was thicker and all clumpy near the bottom of the carton. It seriously tasted like poison, I feel poisoned from the inside. I bet you the other carton is bad too...when I go to Coles today I'm complaining and going to get two cartons free of charge because the use by was 9th December! OH MY GOD I ACTUALLY INGESTED OFF SOY MILK and whilst it's not as bad as cow milk it comes a very close second place.

Things I don't like this week:

1. Drinking rancid soy poison in the morning.
2. Being abused by random drunken ugly men and woman in my own driveway after Red Bull Air Race... Drunk girl running over to Brad's car and forcing the door open then abusing him for parking in a SPARE car bay, then running over to my car and saying my boyfriend is rude and doesn't respect women. Me being so mad and tired from 4 hours sleep I almost run over the six drunk men who are blocking my car and stopping me from leaving. I hate people sometimes.
3. Having beer poured on my new dress at amplifier then being laughed at by the guy who did it. Me pouring beer on his head then running off into the crowd, only to learn later that he spat on a nearby friend because of me. Doing other stupid things.
4. Listening to a cd at work while I was processing some books and right at the moment Colin Meloy sings something about men with limp dicks, realising my boss is standing next to me about to ask me a question.

Things I do like this week:
1. My two new cds which I am listening to way too much and am sure to get sick of very soon. The Decemberists and God is an Astronaut. Saxon Shore and Letting up despite great faults.
2. Bingo on Monday. I wonder if I'm the only 22 year old who enjoys this game?
3. Finding out a band I enjoy are playing on the 2nd.
4. Embarking on Grey's Anatomy Season 1 AND powering through Sopranos with Brad.
5. Pizza from Ciao Italia. Except for weird spinach clumps which I will ask to be removed next time.
6. This photo I just found of me and Sean drinking delicious soy smoothies at Vegetarian Orgasm in Melbourne.

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