Animal Saga Part 3.

Nov 15, 2006 16:58

My dog Buffy still lives at home with my parents. She's 9 years old and quite the little survivor: she's almost died three times. The first time was years ago, in an epic dual with a rather large dugite...well she didn't really win because our next door neighbour blew its body in half with a shotgun but I still can't believe it didn't bite her. The second was when my brother ran her over, he actually ran over her body with the tyre of his car but she was ok, after surgery. The third time was not so long ago, when she decided the snail pellets in the garden looked rather tasty. Mum had to get her stomach pumped when she started frothing at the mouth. But I realised the other night she's getting older and that really scared me because I love her so much and I only get to see her twice a week at the most.

Mum and I went for a walk on Monday and when we got back we collapsed on the couch because it was so hot that day. Buffy was inside and Mum asked her if she wanted to go outside but she declined the offer. So we were leaning on the kitchen bench, flicking through Indian menus trying to decide what to get for dinner when I feel a jet of warmness hit my foot and soak into my sock. I looked down and Buffy was peeing on my foot! PEEING! ALL OVER MY FOOT! Well she had peed everywhere, my foot just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She's only 9 and she's suffering incontinence already. But it's probably from all her escapades with near death that's done it. Mum put her outside and she sat there with a sad look on her face whilst I stood there, completely violated, unable to move or I would leave pee foot prints all over the kitchen floor.

Today I got up at 9am on my morning off to cook tomato stew and it turned into a cooking dilemma of epic proportions. I had to roast the tomatoes with oregano and olive oil and I had them on the top shelf of my oven. But then I had the bright idea to move them down because I thought they might burn up there. In my half asleep state, with hands still unable to make fists, I grabbed the end of the tray with the tea towel and proceeded to pour the entire contents of the tray into the bottom of my oven. Oil and tomatoes slid everywhere and I literally stood there for about 5 minutes staring at the mess, unsure of how this unfortunate event had occurred. I have decided not to cook from now on, unless I have been awake for longer than half an hour.
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