random fiber-related post (and a little something extra)

Jul 20, 2011 08:33

So, I FINALLY remembered to buy my Rhinebeck workshop, so that I won't try to register after everything's sold out (like last year). I was worried the class I wanted would be sold out already (yes, I know it's still July, but there are already classes sold out), but it wasn't, so YAY.

Beginner handspindle, here I come. (I haven't spun anything since that first attempt. There was WAY too much twist, and I want to learn how to do it from an actual lesson, not just videos on youtube -- which are good references. I just want to learn it well the first time.)


PS: Oh, and also, unrelated to fiber. I may or may not have made a fanvid (for X-Men: First Class). I'm debating whether to post said alleged act of fannishness.

x-men: first class, spinning, knitting!, rhinebeck

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