Something new

Mar 20, 2011 14:13

So, today is the first day of spring, and it's also the day that I taught myself how to spin using a drop spindle. :-D

For the winter holidays, my mother-in-law gave me a basket of fiber, a high whorl drop spindle (and accessories: a nostepinne and a niddy noddy), and Spinning in the Old Way. It's all been sitting, neatly packaged in the lovely huge picnic basket she sent it in, waiting for me to get up the courage to play with it.

I finally did. After Paul told me that he'd get me this awesome Klingon Wool Warriors tote bag when I taught myself how to spin. It was the little bit more incentive that I needed to get up the courage.

This week, I read through Spinning in the Old Way, and I've watched a bunch of videos on youtube about how to spin with a drop spindle, and I got started this morning while listening to Florence and the Machine.

After a couple of false starts and a bit of cursing, I actually started to get the hang of it. And now I have some handspun to show for it!


yarn, spontaneity, spinning, fibery goodness

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