*chirp, chirp*

May 02, 2012 17:49

Let's just ignore how long it's been since I've posted, okay? I got completely out of the habit of posting and completely into the habit of lurking.

On the knitting side of things: Lots of knitting around these parts, minus an 8-week period last fall where I hurt my right thumb and couldn't knit.

It was excruciating. Not the thumb, which certainly hurt, but the not-knitting. I haven't gone so long without knitting since I picked up yarn for the first time. I was getting more and more lost without it; Paul would look at me and go, "So this is what it's like when you haven't knitted for X weeks... let's hope your doctor lets you knit soon."

I knit a hat (Marram Hat, ravelry link to the pattern) with holiday-present yarn -- Knit Picks Capra in Pesto, Sea Spray, and Fairy Tale. Never took a picture of it, oops. Should probably fix that.

Finished the mother-in-law shawl, FINALLY. An Aeolian, in Claudia Hand Painted Yarns Silk Lace (colorway Marooned). Link! It's a Ravelry link, but it's shared for all to see.

I had to tink back about three rows (of ~500+ stitches each? something like that) to get past where the dropped stitches had pulled to. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, which was good, because I was so heartsick and frustrated over this shawl that it sat in Knitting Time Out for SEVEN MONTHS.

Finished a Semele shawl (ravelry pattern link). That project definitely benefited greatly from an all-day CLE a few weeks ago. All-day CLE = 8 hours of knitting time. It's in Classic Elite Yarns Silky Alpaca Lace, colorway 2438, which is apparently also known as Cameroon. It's a lovely, saturated yellow-green. Still needs to be blocked and photographed, maybe this weekend.

Knocked out a significant portion of Vignette (which I had been actively knitting on back when I injured my thumb). All I need to do is knit the sleeves and then assemble it.

I'm also still working on finishing up the border for Stripes and Torchon Lace, from Victorian Lace Today. I rounded corner #2, so I'm roughly halfway done with the border. I'm telling myself I need to finish that first before I cast on for...


You can probably imagine my utter glee when I noticed that among the Knitty surprises this time around was a TARDIS shawl! Bigger on the inside caught my fancy, but it was Paul who really pushed me into going for it by encouraging us to make a second trip to Webs in one day so that we could scour the store for an appropriately TARDIS-colored yarn, as I had no interest in the yarn used in the pattern.

Behold, Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light, in Fathom. link! I'm going to add a bead to each bobble for the TARDIS light.

I can't wait to get started. I read that the designer only used about 550 yards, and I have 880 at my disposal, so I'm wondering if I want to try to make the shawl a bit bigger. I'm considering it. I'm considering making it as a rectangular wrap -- adding an extra TARDIS or to and then making the Vortex Lace section rectangular instead of curved.

So instead of doing the Vortex Lace first, I'd do the TARDIS section first (possibly bottom-up), and then knit the Vortex Lace section on in the same way as a knitted-on border. (That also avoids the tedium of picking up 311 stitches.)

Registration for Rhinebeck workshops opened yesterday morning. I signed up for Fit to Flatter and Steeks Without Fear. I can't wait for October!!

On the fannish side of things: Feeling less enthused about much of the TV that's out there. Downton Abbey and Doctor Who aren't currently on the air, and the season opener of Eureka really turned me off, which left me feeling like I don't have a good sci-fi show to inspire and entertain me. (I'm waiting for this season of Game of Thrones to finish so that I can watch it as a whole.) As a result, I've been rewatching Babylon 5 and Stargate Atlantis, and I've been doing a lot of reading.

And on the home front: We bought a house! Which has definitely been busy-making. In a good way, mostly.

knitting!, real life, doctor who

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