Nov 03, 2006 08:32
I had an odd dream last night, where I went back to visit Trinity, and everyone was living in shacks along a bayou. A creepy bayou. No, it doesn't make sense to me either.
Anyway, I got an e-mail from the Houston NaNo person, talking about the three day drop off. Basically, a lot of people quit on or around the third day, because their lives start interfering or they haven't reached their word count goals and they get discouraged. When I thought about it, I realized that I've been guilty of that the past two years. I'd start out with these lofty goals of having huge word counts and then, when I wouldn't make it, I'd get angry and stop. It wasn't logical, just an outgrowth of my perfectionist tendencies. I'm trying really hard not to force myself to quit by creating goals I can never possibly reach. I think I'm doing okay. I would be happier if I'd reached 5,000 words last night, but I was tired and a bit tipsy, so I decided not to make myself crazy and simply go to bed and get a good night's sleep. I think that's probably a better plan, to take care of myself and then take care of my writing.
I've got to go because we're way late. I'll probably bitch about it later.