First, GIP. Pirate!Mickey and Chanel!Keira - it's such a great photo.
Second, I've had a long, long day, though I did end up with a lovely vintage hat from a store in Old Town Spring, a new dress and sweater from Ann Taylor Loft, and a bra from the Victoria's Secret sale. As a side note, I went to my local store yesterday and ended up with three new bras, though only two pairs of underwear, and a pair of pajamas. Anyway, there was much angst at the Coach store, which is having a 25% off sale, which means I am finally getting a case for my video iPod. My mother, however, is still having angst over what kind of bag she might like, so I have to wait on the iPod case until Thursday.
Third, an interesting and thought-provoking article from Slate:
A Working Girl Can Win. I am very interested in this topic, as I think there have been a lot of accusations recently about working mothers vs. stay-at-home mothers, and I think that this article presents, clearly and without rancor, the reasons that, currently, being a stay-at-home mom can ruin your chances at a future career, but how it is presented as the feminine and maternal thing to do. Read the article and consider what it says, even if you don't agree.
Fourth, I am exhausted and want nothing more than to take a hot bath and go to bed. Unfortunately, stupid, stupid work stuff is interfering. I'm going to give it five more minutes, then I'm filling the tub.