Dear Equinox vidder

Feb 11, 2017 09:41

Thank you for making me a vid!

I’m sorry this is so horribly late - life got away from me a bit - so I’m going to keep this short and simple:

Have fun! I’m pretty easy-going, love all sorts of genres of music, and have no expectations as to what kind of vid I’d like to see - so please vid what makes you happy, whatever works for you works for me. Optional details are entirely optional!

Le Voyage dans La Lune | A Trip to the Moon (1902)
I'm so thrilled someone nominated this! I have no specific request but can't wait to see whatever you do with this source. I love the beauty and the bonkersness of Méliès’ vision - show me all that epic, theatrical spectacle.

Gravity (2013)
Love the visuals and style of this movie. Give me all your Ryan Stone feelings!

Apollo 13 (1995)
When I was a kid one of my best friends was obsessed with this movie, I must have watched it 100 times - but I can still happily put it on again on a Sunday afternoon and get choked up all over again.
As above, no real specific request for this one - something ensemble would be fab, would especially love it if you could include the families and everyone waiting back at NASA, but I love this movie so anything would be great.

Star Wars Original Trilogy & Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Combining my requests here as I’d really love to see a vid comparing and contrasting the Trio from the original trilogy with the new Trio from TFA.
Would also love to see a Leia vid that incorporates TFA as well, because agh, so many feelings about aged General Leia...

But if you’re focusing on one or the other:
For Original Trilogy, give me Original Trio, or Leia, or Han & Chewie, or Luke, or something wider about rebellion/fighting back...

For The Force Awakens, give me New Trio, or Rey, or Finn, or Poe, or Rey & BB-8, or older Leia/Han, or Han & Chewie, or something ensemble, or any combination of the above. To be honest, this is the only request where the ‘optional details are optional’ thing maybe applies a little less, as I have zero interest in Kylo Ren (or any of the Order characters) except as part of Han & Leia’s story - unless you’re piss-taking, piss-taking is ALWAYS acceptable, for any fandom - but if that’s the way the muse takes you then that’s fair enough. Convince me! :)

Doctor Who (1963)
Ha, this is so hard to request...I have about 15 favourite characters in the original series, any one of whom can be my no.1 favourite at given moment - so I’ve thrown out some ideas here in rough chronological order, none of which I’m attached to more than any other. Pick one or make something entirely different, there’s no part of Classic Who I don't love!
  • Ian/Barbara, wearing cardigans and kicking ass.
  • The Second Doctor, owning every scene he’s in even when he’s lurking quietly in the corner not saying anything.
  • Second Doctor & Jamie, being ridiculous and adorable (feel free to include Zoe and/or Victoria or not as well!)
  • Victoria! (I know this one’s a bit of a nightmare due to lack of footage but I genuinely love Victoria and her constant terror at everything she sees but still ploughing headfirst into danger for her friends anyway - she’s one of my favourite companions and she doesn’t get enough love imo.)
  • UNIT - maybe either a tribute to UNIT across all its incarnations (bonus points for Brigadier Bambera!) or the classic UNIT family (Brig/Jo/Benton/Yates) and their unflappable, stoic calm in face of the completely ridiculous.
  • The Brig, because there can never be enough tributes to Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.
  • Jo Grant, elevating “plucky, well-meaning ditz” to an art-form (quote from this TARDIS Eruditorium essay which gets to the heart of why I love Jo Grant so damn much).
  • Romana I, being the only goddamn grown-up in this TARDIS and owning it.
  • Romana II, running around Paris with the Doctor falling in love, or striking out to have her own epic adventures.
  • Nyssa or Tegan or Nyssa & Tegan or Nyssa/Tegan - because I love them both as individuals, I love their friendship, and hell yes I ship it.
  • Ace, because like the Brig, there can never be enough.


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