Equinox placeholder letter

Jul 21, 2017 10:19

Hello!  Thank you, lovely person making a vid for me!

So, replacing the placeholder with a proper letter, but still going to keep it short and simple: have fun!  :)

I love all kinds of vids in all kinds of genres - fun, sad, meaningful, silly, critical, celebratory, fast cuts, slow cuts, no effects, lots of effects... - and ditto music, my tastes are varied and eclectic and I love discovering new music as well as old favourites.  Vid what makes you happy, whatever works for you works for me!

There's also nothing in any of these sources that I'd prefer you avoid - and these are all shows or films that I love a LOT, so if you want to focus on something or someone I've not mentioned here, go for it!  I love surprises too.

Call the Midwife (TV)
Okay, so I would LOVE a Chummy vid - I recently watched some of the early episodes again and fell in love with her all over again - but if that doesn't take your fancy, maybe a shippy Patsy/Delia vid, a Jenny character study, or Trixie, or something focusing on the friendships or community at Nonnatus House, with the heartbreak and joy of the work they do.  I'd kind of also really, really love something about the nuns - I miss Sister Evangeline so much!

Holes (2003)
I love the slightly off-beat, quirkiness of this movie, so something that captures that would be fabulous.  Maybe something looking at the intertwining of the two stories, past and present?  Or if you want to focus only on the kids, or on Kate/Sam's story instead, that would also be fab.

Jane Eyre (2011)
Gah, this version was so PRETTY.  I kind of have no more coherent request than that tbh, just give me all the pretty.  :D  There's maybe more faithful versions, but I felt this one captured a lot of the spirit of the book for me.  This was a really important book to me growing up, so give me Jane in all her complicated glory.

Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! (2012)
If you haven't seen this movie, go watch it right now.  (I'll wait here.)  Look at the title!  How could you not?  (It was called "The Pirates! Band of Misfits" in the USA and some other places, I think, because...well, who knows.)

Love the Captain and his whole motley crew, just have fun with the whole bonkers, joyful anarchy of this film.

Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Still my favourite Austen adaption of all and that's about 90% down to Jennifer Ehle's amazing face.  <3  Those eyebrows!  Would love something fun as it was such a fun, funny version, but something more serious would be good too.  Love Lizzie - obviously - and the whole Bennett family, so something about their relationships to each other or focusing on Lizzie & Jane's relationship in particular would be fab.  (No incest for this one though please!)

Vera (TV)
Give me Vera Stanhope + hat + gorgeous Northumberland scenery and I will love you forever.


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