Fritos chili pie, surprised by soda, and notes on yesterday's fabric shopping.

Nov 17, 2004 10:29

After planting the idea of Fritos chili pie in my head last night (tease), Vogon went out for Fritos and fake cheese so I could indulge without angering my digestive system. He said I made very convincing puppydog eyes when he asked me if I wanted him to make me one while I was on the phone.

When I unloaded the dishwasher this morning I found 12-packs of Squirt and ginger ale on the counter. This excites me almost as much as the crate of clementines we picked up last weekend, but the element of surprise amazes me.

On yesterday's fabric shopping:
- As we headed in, I spotted a cute plaid baby wale corduroy in fall shades, so we bought the end of the bolt (2.125 yds) to make Laurel a jumper and a bag for me from the leftovers.
- Laurel spotted a Teletubbies print flannel on the clearance table and we got a yard and a half to make her another pair of flannel pajama pants since she loves the Sesame Street ones I made this spring.
- I passed for now on some beautiful blue panne velvet sprinkled with silver stars -- once it's on sale, I am so making myself a dress from it.
- While drooling over the holiday fabrics, I picked up some snowflake print cotton in coordinating colors marked 20% off to make holiday dresses for Laurel and I -- hers in blue, mine in green. If they turn out well, I'll go back for a little of the red print for either another dress for her (red is her favorite color) or a dress for her stuffed kitty.

The front coming through gave me insane sinus congestion and post-nasal drip last night, so I didn't sleep well. It did give me the knowledge that the downstairs neighbor played their craptastic same three songs until 1 AM. Their apparently job-free life must be really slow to be partying on a Tuesday night. They started the music again a few minutes ago, but I decided to be a Really Swell Neighbor and cranked Barney up until they turned their noise down ten minutes later. I see why American troops were playing Barney songs at the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay -- it's effective.

646.1_fabric, annoying_neighbors, 641_food, sick, 616.212_sinusitis

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